Chapter 1: Late, Class, Fight, Home

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Eren's eyes fluttered open, before blinking a few times, the boy let himself come to his senses only to wake up to a banging in his room.

"I'm coming, i'm coming." The boy said lazily, first getting on his feet and up to the door. Slowly opening it, he saw Mikasa. Great, the first thing he sees is his 'adopted' sister. The perfect, straight A's, Whatsoever girl. Like he cared anyways. Until the brown haired boy receives a bitch slap to waken him up.

"Eh?! What the hell, Mikasa! What was that fo-"

"Shut up and undress."

"W-what...?" He tilted his head to the side a bit, with a confused look on his face. "Are you sexually attracted to me or somethi-"

"What? No! We're going to be late, Eren. Late." Mikasa replied.

"Late for what.." He opened the door up a bit more and leaned against the door frame.


"Ohhh.. School." Unamused, he looked bored.

"Wait, what?! School? I thought it was the weekend!" At that Mikasa sighed and headed out as Eren quickly got changed in his usual school uniform. Once ready, the boy headed out as well, not caring if he was to eat breakfast or not.

"Baka!" Mikasa said as they ran to school, Mikasa pulling on Eren's wrist. Eren was basically getting dragged by Mikasa.

"I'm not an idiot. Nor stupid." He exclaimed as they ran.


"You're late." It was vice principle Pixis. Dot Pixis. He has a pretty bald, shiny, head and a mustache. He was standing at the entrance of the school.

"Gomen, gomen. Sorry ol' man." Eren said. He stood beside Mikasa who looked as if she didn't care.

"Old man?! Eren. I'm not old. I'm just bald.." He explained.

"Yeah your right. You are bald man." Eren gave a slight smirk before the vice could see.

"Whatever. C'mon, Get to class!" He exclaimed before pushing them towards the academy.

Mikasa and Eren strolled through a series of classrooms and lockers before they reached theirs. Getting theirselves ready for what seemed like the 2nd period of school, Mikasa headed to math class. Eren headed to science.


Everyone crowded the hallways, making it a bit hard for Mikasa to walk through and get to class. Getting shoved by some guy, she fell, dropping her books. Most people were gone by that time and everyone had almost gone to class. As she slowly picked up some of her books, she heard footsteps come closer, then the person's shoes were visible right on front of her.

This caused her to stop and look up. It was Jean.

"Need help?" He asked as he kneeled down on front of her.

"No, i can handle myself." She gave a slight smile before stacking the books she'd dropped again.

"A-alright. See you at class." He stuttered before walking off. Oh yeah, he was in her class.

As soon as she fnished, she headed to class. Placed a stack of homeworks on the teacher's desk. She took a seat on her desk as the teacher paid no attention and just continued on the lesson.


Eren headed out of his last class, holding his test paper on his hands.

"12/30.." He grunted before heading to his locker.

As he walked up to his locker, he saw a note posted up on it saying things such as,

"Sure you'll ace the test. Sucker!"

"Ahahaha! Don't get your hopes up!"

"We all know you'll get a bad mark. As always Jaeger!"

He ripped the sheets of paper to pieces before dumping it on a close trash can. After putting all his stuff back in his locker, he saw no sign of Mikasa. Everyone as always, rushed out of the academy to go karaoke-ing or something.

A couple of minutes later, Mikasa showed up. "I'm really sorry Eren, for being late. But i just heard that Armin was getting beat at the back of the school! Everyone is crowding him just to take a look on what was happening."


"Gagh!" Armin felt as if air was knocked out of him. He hated bullies. They knew nothing about him.

"Heh, that's what you get for avoiding us when we're talking to you!"

Before the bullies could even give another punch, someone held a tight grip on the bulies' arm.

"Hey! Do you min-" The bully recieved a punch, knocking quite a lot of air  out of the bullies' stomach.

The person let go of the bullies' arm and let him drop on the ground and crouch like A baby. "Go pick on someone your own size."

The bully nodded miserably. "Good. Now go away." As the bullies ran and ran, Armin looked at the person in shock. "A-Annie?!"

"ARMIN! LET GO OF ARMIN YAH BULLIES!!!" Eren stumbled out of the crowd and on front of Armin and Annie. Most people gave wierded out looks to Eren, Mikasa appearing behind him.

"They're gone. Thanks to Annie here." Armin exclaimed looking to his side, except all he saw was a blade of grass.

"Annie? As in Leonhardt?" Eren asked.

"I've heard of her before, but i never really saw her take action or anything before." Mikasa added.

Armin gave a quick nod before turning back to himself. "C'mon guys. Don't believe me if you won't. I saw what i saw. Let's get going. It's pretty late you know."


"Bye! See you this weekend, Armin!" Eren exclaimed before he and Mikasa headed different directions from where Armin lived.

"Bye! See you guys!" They all exchanged waves before heading home.


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