chapter 2

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Jack P.O.V

     I sit impatiently watching the clock as im tapping my pencil on the desk. I want the last class to be over with so i can get Adelyn out of this school before Tyler spots her. I really dont like him, not just because hes with Adelyn, but because I know the real him. Shes going to get hurt and i dont want to stand around and watch it happen, but theres nothing i can say to her cause shes just so damn stubborn and doesnt want to listen. My phone buzzes in my pocket, i look down to see one new message:

from: Ally 

Hey babe, want 2 hang today? i miss you xoxo ;)

I take a deep breath because i already know shes going to get mad at me for telling her im hanging out with Adelyn. Ally Buyers is a girl who i started dating before school had let out this summer and shes beautiful but the problem is she doesnt like me hanging out with Adelyn more than her. But i tell her that we are just best friends that she has nothing to worry about! Or does she? Who knows but thank god she goes to a school 30 minutes away! I send her a quick text back no caring if she gets mad:

To: Ally

Sorry sweetie i promised Adelyn I'd take her home after school. maybe tomorrow miss ya 2..

I knew that text was a lie, i still have feelings for Adelyn and all but i dont know how to go on with it. Shes just so beautiful and sweet and amazing. Shes like no other girl ive ever met everyday its something new with her and i love it! I look at my phone screensaver its me and Adelyn when we went fishing over the summer. She looks so beautful even with no makeup on and her hair up.  I cant stop smiling she just brightens my day up so much. I look up and notice ive been staring at my phone for the past 30 minuntes and the bell is about to ring. I jump up from my seat sprinting to the door just as the bell rings. As im running down the hallway all i can think about is making it to her before Tyler so i dont have to suffer from seeing them together. Right as i come right down her classes hallway i see her talking to Caylen, i rush to her and smile at Caylen as i pick up Adelyn and turn to dart to the school parking lot doors. 

"Jack what are you doing," she yells beating on my back with her fist," PUT ME DOWN!!!'

I ignore her as i keep running, we make it out the doors and i see Tyler standing with a group of friends as he looks around. Im guessing hes looking for Adelyn but he doesnt notice us so i take my chance to dart to my jacked up 2500 Chevy Silverdo. I swing open the passanger side door and toss her in the passanger seat slamming the door and rushing to the drivers side, as i climb up into the drivers side i notice Tyler noticing me. I stop and stare at him and out of no where i flip him the bird and speed off school limits squealing my tires and blowing smoke up.


Adelyns P.O.V.

    Its been a few hours since the stunt Jack pulled at the school. I dont understand whats got into him, ever since i started dating Tyler hes been acting weird and protective over me. I dont want to ask him whats going on because i know he wont tell me but the curiosity is killing me! As im sitting on my couch i hear yelling coming from my kitchen, i get up slowly because it sounds like Jack. I make it to the hallway that leads to the kitchen and i hear Jack yelling into his phone.

"Ally stop yelling at me," he pauses" DONT YOU EVER SAY THAT AGAIN SHES MY BEST FRIEND!" 

Im not understanding why they're arguing, thats almost all they do everytime we hang out. She knows were just best friends, as i try to get closer to hear him better in the kitchen i trip over my feet, being my clumsy self and land face first in front of the kitchen doorway. I dont even bother to look up because i know ive been caught so i just raise my hands and say," i surrender," i start to giggle", Ive been spotted and im coming out with my hands up!" I peeked up to see if hes smiling yet and hes just standing there smiling at me. 

"Well are you gonna cuff me sheriff or ya gonna let me go?" I say giggling. He slowly starts to walk over to me and picks me up off the floor

"Now there pretty darlin' ima have to cuff ya and escourt you to your jail cell," he says holding my hands behind my back pushing me toward the stairs. I cant help but giggle all the way up the stairs. We reach my room and he tells me to stay put on my bed as he goes in my bathroom and gets a wet rag. I then realize i have dirt on my face from falling to the floor. I watch him as he grabs the chair from my desk and sits down in front of me as he scoots closer to my face slowly wiping the dirt off of my face.

"Jackypoo what you and ally yelling about on the phone?" I ask looking down at the floor. He lifts my chin up with him fingers and says,"She says im always ditching her for you and i told her to calm down and thats when she started yelling at me and saying mean things about you." Hes still wiping my face off with the rag and i grab his wrist to stop him. I look into his brown eyes and i cant help but to rub my thumb across his cheek and caress it in my hand.

"Maybe you do spend too much time with me," I say letting go off his cheek," maybe all the things she said about me are tru-" im cut off by Jack putting his hand over my mouth.

"Dont you even say that Ads," he raises his voice and me and then grabs my cheek in his hand. "Your none of those nasty things she said and i'll spend every waking day with you if i want!" He starts to smile and it gets really quiet and our eyes lock and i feel my blood rise. Our faces start to get so close that i can feel his breathing on me. Right as hes about to do what i think hes about to do John swings the door open, "Hey! Dad said-" he stops mid sentence as Jack scoots back quickly. 

"Havent you heard of knocking?!?," i say throwing a pillow at him. He starts to laugh and i look to Jack as he starts to blush.

"Well exscuse me you guys but Dad called and said he was going to be out of town for a month and for you to make sure i get to school," he says looking at me the turns to Jack," and he asked if Jack would stay here to watch over things." I turn to look at Jack as he looks to me not knowing what to say. He smiles and looks to John and says," Okay deal, Im staying but im bunking with Adelyn!"

My face starts to turn beat red as John nods and smiles as he shuts the door. I think of how this is going to go with Tyler once he finds out Jack is staying, I'm going to have to leave out the sharing room thing cause i know itll piss him off. I grabbed my phone and open it to find 1 new texts:

From; Tyler <3

What the hell is Jacks prob?? & can i come over later ;) i hear youre dads going to be out of town 

I think of how he knows then i remembered John probally had it posted all over internet. Sometimes i hate that my brother knows how to use technology. I quickly text back: 

To: Tyler <3 

Im not sure but no im really tired ima hit the hay soon! xox

I turn my phone off thanking the lord that tomorrow is saturday. I look up to see Jack staring at me smiling. I hit him in the head with my pillow and he tackled me to the bed. We rolled around the bed wrestling and he soon had me pinned down. Our eyes instantly meet again as he slowly leans down and gets face to face with me. My heart is pumping in my chest and i want so bad to kiss him. I want to crash my lips into his and all i can do is lay there staring into his deep brown eyes.

He smiles and whispers in my ear," I love you ads" He says as he kisses my cheek and walks out of my room and downstairs. I lay there wondering what the hell just happened??

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