chapter 5

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Caylens P.O.V.

I wake up bright and early the next day so I could go over to Adelyns and tell her all about my date with Cam. Did I just call him Cam? I smile at the thought of the nickname I just called him. I start to slide my vans on as I grab my keys and head out to my car.

I start to drive and hope she doesn't kill me for waking her up early on a Sunday. My mind soon wonders off to Cameron and my date last night. I was nervous but he eased my tension, and we actually have a lot in common, which excites me! I wanted to kiss him so bad last night but I knew that as soon as he leaned in that I just couldn't yet. I'm happy that he didn't get mad and understood why I didn't. I mean its my first kiss and I want it to be reallly special! Not that it wouldn't be special with him, but it didn't feel like the right moment.

I turn onto Adelyns street and I notice Jacks truck is there. I mean I figured he'd be there because they're always together but this early? I hope nothing is wrong I think as I start to panick and park the car. I get out in a hurry and run to the door, its unlocked?! That's not usual, I think as I swing the door open.

"Adelyn where are yo-" I stop dead right in my tracks in the living room. I can't believe my eyes, adelyn and jack are cuddled up together on the couch?!?! Am I too surprised, not really, but I'm still shocked to see them like that. Adelyn and Jack opens they're eyes at the same time, they look at me then themselves and seperate quickly. I wonder what's going on here...

Adelyns P.O.V

I didn't expect Caylen to be here this early and I didnt want her to find me and Jack like this. Wait! I'm surprised myself that we were cuddling, how in the world did we end up like that? The room is still silient as I don't think any of us know what to say really. I look slowly at Jack and his face is flushed with red, he notices me staring at him and his lips curl up into a smile.

"Goodmorning Caylen," Jack finally says after it feels like several hours of silient awkwardness.

"Yeah you too, um Ady can I see you in the kitchen for a moment," she says as she walks off into the kitchen.

I look at jack as he smiles as says," Deny everything, unless you don't want to." He starts to smile and I get up to walk away as I look back he winks at me and my body literally feels a gooey. I feel like I have butterflies in my stomach, wait why do I feel like that its only Jack???

As soon as I get into the kitchen I'm attacked with questions as to why he's here and why we were cuddling. I simply blow it off and explain to her that my dad wanted him to stay while he's gone. Luckily she believed me and never questioned it again.

"So forget about me, what about you and cammycakes." I say teasing her. She punches my shoulder and starts to smile.

"Don't call him that, and it was amazing. He took me to mcdonalds and we drove around and talked about everything we have in common. He told me he liked me too!?!?!?! Can you believe that Cameron Dallas likes me!?!" she says. We continue to talk about Cameron and her, and it makes me happy because her face lights up from just talking about him. We're interrupted by Jack poking his head into the kitchen.

"Um ladies, not trying to interrupt girl talk but there's someone here to see y'all. " he says with the biggest smile ever. I wonder who it could be as me and Caylen exchanged glances. We get up and walk into the living room and spot Harry standing there with his dimpled grin on his face. Caylen runs past me and jumps into his arms knocking him to the floor. We all start to laugh hysterically at the sight of them two.

"Harry I missed you soo much, you weren't suppose to be back til next month?" Caylen questions him as she turns and looks at me and jack. "Did you guys know he was coming back?!?"

"He called last night and told me he was heading home that he graduated early" I say, Harry is my cousin and my awful Aunt patty sent him off to a behavior school two years ago. When he left Caylen was depressed, those two are just as close as me and Jack. " I knew how happy you'd be if he surprised you so I told him to come over and I'd invite you over, but considering you showed up here it all worked out."


We all finally decided on watching a movie. Me and Jack on each side of the couch with our legs and feet touching and Caylen and Harry on the loveseat. As we get halfway through the film I feel my eye lids getting heavy. "Come on" I glance up to see Jack standing on his feet streching his hand out to me. I glance around to everyone. I grab his hand, as he pulls me to my feet. I begin walking towards the stairs.

"Night guys" I mutter before heading uptairs with Jack.

Harry's POV

I watch as Jack and Ads head upstairs leaving me and Caylen alone. I truly missed her while I was away; it was so hard not talking to her everyday like I usually do. I glance over at her making sure she doesn't notice me, she looks happy. I've missed her beautiful face and the way she laughs, I love to admire her beauty. She moves her head and I quickly look away before she catches me staring at her.

"Hand me my bag please." she says and I grab her bag and go to toss it to her, but unfortunately for my clumsy self I spill all her stuff on the floor.

"Dammit Harry," she jokingly says as we start to pick up her stuff. I notice a black book with a bookmark hanging out of it and pick it up to notice its Fifty Shades of Grey.

"Cay! Why in the hell are you reading this shit?!?" I snap at her. The color drains from her face as she looks at me.  She reaches over trying to grab the book I raise it higher so she can't reach it.

"Harry! Give me the book back!" She seems to be upset but clearly not as much as I am. What is now some sex addict? She soon gives up and crosses her arms over her chest. I stand up keeping the book firmly gripped in my hands.

"Can you explain?"  She sits quitely, the room is filled with silence. I thought she wasn't like most girls. when I left she was still a virgin. Wait? Don't tell me she gave it up to some loner that doesn't give a shit about her. "Are you know?" I ask raising my free hand to my hair.

She doesn't say anything as she looks away. I knew I shouldnt have left. "Caylen, answer me!" I say raising my voice. She flinches at my tone. I sigh knowing this is not how I wanted to spend my homecoming.

"I haven't done anything" she quietly whispers. "Then why read this porn book?" She doesnt say anything. She grabs the book from my hands before holding it close to her chest. I sit beside her knowing there is something behind all of this.  She takes a deep breath before looking to me.

"Have you ever thought that you were always going to be alone? That no one will clearly love you for who you are? That if you ever got the chance to have sex with someone you wouldnt pleasure them right?" She looks at me, I see her eyes begin to water up. "Reading helps me feel like I belong and it maybe is a sex book but isn't everyone curious about sex? I will never experience the samething as what has happened in the novel but I can dream can't I?" I look at her not believing what I clearly heard. She wants be loved and not pushed aside as many people do. Sex isn't about just getting what you want its having the opportunity to be connected with someone you truly love on a different level.

"Being curious isn't a bad thing" she looks up at me. "No one will discuss anything with me, as is nasty, or out of line."

I ponder an idea but seems crazy, but being around her I know I will never be the weird guy as most think I am. I smirk while looking at her. She seems a little taken back. She raises her brow at me as she cocks her head to the side. "If you have any questions ask me" I say pretty confidently. "Really?" she asks seeming astonished. I nod she hugs me, reality soon hits me......I just promised my best friend that if she had any sex questions I would answer them.

What the hell??

(Authors note: so I'm new at this and thank you all for commented voting and reading love.drama.high school! I love you all! If you have any opinions feel free to message me or comment. I'm open to anything. Credit to @emblem3_megan for helping me write this chapter. Everyone should go follow and read her stories..they're ahhhmazing!!!)

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