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Traditional country music is something that's going to be around forever—George Strait

She couldn't decide what to wear.

Bailey normally wasn't the type of girl to care about fashion. She'd always left that to Mae and Kyra. They were the ones who consulted with the team of stylists who dressed the band before every press conference and concert and photo shoot. Bailey just sat back, letting them make the decisions and putting on whatever they told her to wear.

Her everyday style was low maintenance. T-shirts and tank-tops and casual blouses with jeans. Even her hair and makeup she kept simple. She wasn't typically one to go all out, didn't particularly enjoy the long process of getting dressed up.

But tonight was different.

Bailey couldn't remember the last time she'd gone on a date. Couldn't remember the last time she'd consciously decided to try and dress nicely for anyone in that way. She hadn't had a formal boyfriend in years. Sure, there'd been guys that she'd gone out with but never anyone she'd liked or ever come remotely to loving.

The truth was that Bailey really wasn't attracted to the famous people she knew and it was hard to meet people who weren't in her 'circle'. She found many of the celebrities to be self-absorbed or oddly quirky in a way that she just didn't identify with. And anytime she found herself interested in someone who wasn't famous, well, they never could seem to form a solid sentence once they found out who she really was.

For that reason alone, she was worried about Noah finding out.

She had felt something in her connect with Noah from the moment they'd first started talking at the bar. It was an easy relationship, fun, and something entirely unexpected. She wasn't sure if Noah knew who she was or if he would even care if he found out the truth. What Bailey did know; however, was that she didn't want to throw this away before she even got to know what it really was.

And because it was their first, and possible only date if it turned out horribly, she wanted to look nice. She'd been trying on various clothing combinations for the better part of an hour but nothing had jumped out at her. She'd put on jeans and a blouse and a skirt with daisies decorating it and a flowy tank-top with leggings.

But nothing felt right.

She'd just changed into a navy blue long-sleeved off-the-shoulder top and black jeans when her mother knocked at her door and walked in. She was smiling, a smile that waned quickly when she took stock of the mess that had overtaken Bailey's room.

"Umm..." she trailed off with a raised eyebrow. Her eyes flicked around to the clothes that littered the floor and the bed, over the desk and covering the back of the wicker chair in the corner. It was as if a tornado had ripped through the room, dispersing the clothing around every available surface.

Bailey flushed guiltily. "I know."

Her mother stepped deeper into the room and cleared a spot on the bed so that she could sit down. "I haven't seen you this worked up over a boy since, well, ever."

"I know," Bailey said again. She went to sit down across from her mom. "I just...I don't normally get this excited and nervous for a date."

"You must really like this guy."

"I hardly know him," Bailey refuted. "I've only really talked to him twice. And the more I talk to him, the more I want to keep talking to him. To just keep the conversation going. He just makes my heart race. In a good way, you know?"

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