Perfume to attract boys/ crush

387 10 6

- your favourite perfume
- any colour rose petal (optional but recommended)
- belief
-your voice
- holy water/purified water
-red or pink lipstick (optional)
- love

Take your favourite perfume, put some holy water in with the perfume, put your lipstick on and kiss your rose petal, place the petal in the perfume, shake the perfume 100% chant this:

"(Lovers name) will notice me and love me, when I wear this perfume I will be irresistible, he won't be able to take his eyes off me gods and goddesses make this wish come true so mote it be"

Wear the perfume and it should eventually attract your crush to you

Side effects:
Boys may stare at you sometimes
Your crush may stare at you

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