Yandere spell

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I don't know why but I made a yandere spell for my crush to be a yandere, do this at your own risk, extremely dangerous and risky possibility he will kill people so keep a look out

* belief
* love
*strong focus

You need to have your full focus on your crush, think about him then chant 5x:

By the rise of the moon (crush full name) will become one with insanity and possessiveness over me, he will try to control me, lust over me, he'll try to get me so mote it be"

Draw a pentagram on the page with a black pen (I used eyeliner idk why) then trace around I thinking about he person you chose being a yandere. After that wait a few days-weeks you should start to see some change

Yes I have tried this I made my friend cast it on me. I'm seeing a bit of progress also wait for the spell to fully work after the full moon had past it should work fully then

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