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Nicoles POV;
I cant help but smile away to myself at how excited and happy the boys look to see us, it looks like Christmas all over again. All the boys stand to greet us.  However Jade just sits down and 'bugsys' her space next to Gabe. Gabe walks towards me pulling me into a massive hug and my immediate reaction is to apologise for Jade and the way she always acts around them. He laughs and pulls away, shaking his head. Next is Trevor, he doesn't really say much at all, just smiles and looks as if he's really appreciating the fact we have come today. I swear Liam nearly kills me when he runs towards me almost pushing me to the floor, wrapping his arms around me so tight?
"What happened to Manchester and Birmingham?" He speaks, his accent so strong and open.

"Its a long story, i payed for it though." I sigh, smiling as he pulls me into another hug. "How did they all go?"

"They were awesome, Sean almost broke my guitar at Manchester. " I laugh, and cant help but wonder that it may be the reason he stormed off in Jades meet and greet? I wonder if he was like that through them all or maybe he was just disappointed it was almost over. God knows what was wrong with him, it just doesn't seem like Liam we all know. I pull away from Liam and walk towards Sean, he's stood there pulling faces at Liam behind his back, probably about the whole guitar issue. I laugh silently, if thats even possible into Seans neck as he grabs me for a hug, squeezing me so tight. A pair of hands find a way to my waist, pulling me back into a hard chest, away from Sean, and i cant help but find myself frozen still knowing exactly who it is behind me. Charlie.

"Hello!" he smiles, resting his chin on my
shoulder, i turn to face him wrapping my arms around his neck, pulling him closer than any of the boys, as always. "You look beautiful Nicole." He mumbles against my ear, before letting me go, acting like nothing had happened, I mouth him a little thank you before turning to face the rest of the boys and Jade. Liam pats the space in between him and Trevor and i happily take it, laying down beside them. I cant help but think about what just happened, Charlie Jones looked at me and saw beauty before him. I wonder if he says that to everyone he sees or just me?  Maybe im the first or  just one of the hundreds. My inner fangirl is high key freaking out and all i want to do is call one of my best friends from home and inform her on everything thats happened. I push my arms backwards, as Trevor helps me to remove my backpack, I place it beside me, before digging in to find my phone. Although photos aren't everything, for me they are the best way i can remember the good things that have happened in my life, and theres not many good memories. I have come to the conclusion that who ever said 'teenage years are the best years' was definitely high. Almost asif Gabe can read my mind, he stands up, clapping his hands to get everyones attention. Me and Liam laugh to ourselves at his attempt to be serious.

"PHOTO TIME." He yells, in his weirdly interesting accent.  I push my bag closer to everybody else's for safety of my things inside before walking over with Trevor to everyone else. Jade passes me her phone, begging me to take some group photos and a 'cute' one of her and Gabe, but how can it be cute if shes in it. Shes really beginning to get on my nerves recently i've noticed her becoming so full of herself  and overly obsessive of the boys, you can guess who i'm specifically talking about.

"Look happy!!!" I grin, holding in the button, making sure she at least manages to get one she likes. They all change positions every now and then. Smiley, Silly, Crazy. And i cant help but feel blessed to be able to love a band that are so down to earth and beautiful on both the inside and out. Thank you god. Jade steps forward and turns to face the boys.

"Ok get out now i want one with Gabe." All the boys look shocked at the words which had just fallen from her lips, and i find myself ready to
hit something. Congratulations to Jade for entertaining my inner anger issues.

"what the hell." i spit walking towards her, "then take one yourself." I pass her back the phone and she looks at me shocked, but she soon smiles at me clearly annoyed before pulling up the camera for a picture with him. Liam laughs at me, pulling me towards him and Sean, who then ruffles my hair.

"Charlie take it." She speaks, in a fake tacky accent. He laughs in disbelief, looking at me and then back to Jade.

"Your alright, i'm just going to get out." He smirks walking back towards his bag, and pulling out his own phone before scrolling about on it. I look back towards whats happening in front of me. She sighs dramatically lifting her phone to take a photo of her and Gabe. Who holds back his laughter at the way Charlie had just responded to her. Me and Sean decide to start pulling weird faces at him, causing a burst of laughter to explode from his mouth. Jade takes down her phone, rolling her eyes and putting it back into her pocket before stepping to me.

"Your such a slag Nicole, I don't know why I even liked you, and your dead ugly no wonder no one ever wants you." I laugh as she try's to belittle me but I step forwards so our chests are almost touching. Someone grabs my hand, and I squeeze it reassuring I know what i'm doing.

"That looks really cool, talking bad about me, did you know thats the biggest sign of weakness?" I speak, not wanting an answer. "Run along" I almost add on into the front of a bus but I don't. Because no matter who it was, if it were to happen i would never be able to
forgive myself. She shakes her head before stepping back, I stay stood exactly where i am and give her a massive grin, she looks us all up and down in disgust before storming off into the distance. I don't think they'll be seeing much of her again, and hopefully neither will I.
I loosen my shoulders and step back, taking a deep breathe. I notice someones grip still on my hand. When I turn to face the boys, I notice its Liam, i look down at our hands and back up at him, giving him a small smile, still annoyed at what had just happened.

"You know all of that was bullshit don't you?" Charlie speaks up, rolling his eyes in the direction she walked in. I nod and follow his gaze, laughing as she struts down the sidewalk obviously lost again, but on her own. Thats what happens when your a complete bitch.

"She has honestly been so annoying lately, that happening is a massive sigh of relief" I laugh, and pull out my phone, continuing where we left off.

"Same" Gabe joins in and we all laugh with him."Annoying is an understatement."

Ive still got over an hour left with the boys. I say photos and then a mini adventure. Memories last a lifetime.


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