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Nicoles POV;
"Honestly come back to our hotel for the night, its only across the road when we leave here. There's a spare double bed if its sharing your worried about." Liam talks, not stopping for air, his arm slung around my shoulder as we walk towards the exit of the o2. "Or you can sleep in my bed with me."

"Or mine!" Charlie speaks up from behind us. I blush awkwardly, unsure of whether to stay in the hotel with the boys or get the train back home like I had originally planned. I suppose it is getting on almost midnight, and i'm not sure if I will be able to deal with a wasted Rebecca the whole way home especially when shes already tried to strip twice. Thankfully for Gabe her playsuit didn't get any further than beneath her bra and I mentally thank myself for not getting in the state she is.

"So are you coming back or what!" Sean speaks eagerly, I laugh as he pushes his hands together in a praying motion. I sigh and nod, his face lights up almost straight away and I laugh at him before feeling Liam's arm tighten its grip and pull me closer into him. I didn't like that, it wasn't Charlie. I shake his arm off from around me, and step back, watching as Gabe struggles to help Rebecca across the road.  He looks at me and jokingly rolls his eyes. I roll mine back. Slowly I wrap her arm around me making it quicker for us to take her back to the hotel. We follow behind the rest of the boys before the Hilton comes into view. All 7 of us stumble through the entrance and pack into the lift, almost stuck to one another. But i'm not complaining.

Charlie's POV;
I push the card against the scanner allowing us access to our hotel room, the cool air from the air conditioning hitting against my warm cheeks almost immediately. I step in holding the door open.

"Since when do you hold doors open for us?" Sean asks confusion written over his face, as he pushes through the door, followed by Liam and then Trevor, all slightly tipsy.

"A thank you would be nice" I yell, jokingly shaking my head at Gabe as he helps Rebecca through the doorway, she looks at me her eyes red and puffy from the alcohol. I take her hand placing it on the wall hoping it will give her some sort of support until Gabe puts her into the spare bed. Im surprised he's not the one needing help after the amount of alcohol he's had tonight. But then again he's everything but a lightweight.

Nicole walks through the doorway, looking up from the floor, her gorgeous brown eyes meeting mine slowly. She grins at me mouthing a quick 'thank you' before following behind Gabe and Rebecca. I shut the door calmly once everyone is in before turning my attention back to whats happening in front of me. It seems like Gabe is doing pigeon steps with Rebecca, i'm sure it would be easier for him to just pick her up and place her into bed. I pull my attention away from them and bring it back to Nicole stood directly in front of me. I run my eyes over the back of her, from head to toe. Her perfectly sized tanned legs stand out of her playsuit. My eyes are drawn to her ass and  I cant help but bring my hand down smacking it gently. Quickly she spins on her heels.

"Sorry i couldn't resist." I smirk, watching as redness flows to her cheeks a small smile also planted on her lips. Gabe finally moves out of the way with Rebecca and I dive past Nicole onto my bed, laying down before resting my hands behind my head. "You cant sleep in that!" I laugh pointing at her cute playsuit and petite denim jacket. "What do you normally wear?"

"Underwear." I watch her as she bites down onto her lip, my eyes staring into hers. "Is there anywhere I can take my clothes off?" I point towards the bathroom door behind her, before she steps in, the lock slowly moving. Within seconds it opens again yet this time she walks out just in her underwear, her clothes folded in her arms.

"You looked good tonight, but you look even better now." I take my eyes to anywhere except from her body as she climbs in beside me, placing her phone onto the bedside table beside her. I cant help but feel a twitch in my pants and silently I groan. We lay there for a while, laughing together at stupid photos we take and stories from when we were younger, or previous gigs. I pick up my phone sending the photo of us quickly across to Nicole, before placing it back down beside me.

Nicoles POV;
"Its coming up as unknown number?" I ask confused, showing him my phone.

"Is that why you didn't reply to my birthday message." He laughs, taking my phone from my hands and saving his number 'Charlie.'

"THAT WAS YOU?" I almost yell, sitting up slowly in the bed. He winks before passing my phone back. It was Charlie? I sigh placing it back onto the side.

"Goodnight" Charlie speaks turning his back on me, charming. "Love you." He mumbles. A small smile creeps onto my face as my eyebrows gently knit together in confusion. I never thought those words would ever leave his mouth.

"Love you." I almost whisper, a tingle running through my body.


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