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Nicoles POV;
*photo above is Nicole - lets all cry together*

"So we was just talking about you not being there and he just walked off. Even the boys were stood there like what the fuck. Honestly Nicole i don't know what was wrong with him." Jade continues rambling on about yesterdays meet and greet, and all its doing is making me feel worse about not going. I carry on facing the mirror neatly applying some blusher followed by highlight. I never normally wear that much makeup, often just something glossy on my lips   and mascara. But today i feel like lots is needed as i just want to cheer myself up.

"So your telling me he didn't even say bye he just walked off? It just doesn't sound like Liam?" She nods, whilst beginning to  rummage through my makeup bag, I roll my eyes and pull it back. Pulling out a couple
more items i am going to need in order to finish my face.

"How shit is it we cant even see the boys tonight. " She goes again, "I mean atleast i got to see them last night." I turn to face her whilst applying my favourite lip gloss, tucking my hair behind my ears.

"Will you just stop, talk to me about something else, your making me feel even worse about yesterday" i mumble, brushing the bottoms of my hair through. "Im sorry its just, i bawled my eyes out because of it, it sounds silly i know but i just want to forget it now" I explain passing her back my makeup bag, but she pushes it back , clearly still annoyed.

"Well if you didn't decide to make bad decisions, walk off and leave me in the middle of London on my own you could've come and we would be there right now." I throw my hairbrush into the draw and push the chair back aggressively, walking over to my bed quickly opening my laptop. I find google and quickly hit the keys.

'Indegogo Over Atlantic'

I open up the boys campaign page, Jade running over and crouching down beside me. I scroll down to the bottom of the page, clicking on the living room show. I add it to my order before scrolling back up, like a women on a mission.

"How about i fucking add the living room date? Why not." I speak annoyed, before pressing pay now. Quickly typing in my dads card details. I don't know what i'm doing but in the moment it seems like a good idea.

"Nicole what the fuck are you doing?" Jade speaks leaning over my shoulder to get a good view of the screen. I stay sat still, staring at the screen which reads the confirmation of my
order. Over £1,000. I laugh nervously turning to face Jade. She looks speechless as do
I. I turn back to the screen and re read whats in front of me. "What the hell did i just do and what is my dad going to say." I mumble to myself. Jade begins hysterically laughing beside me.

"Your a legend oh my god" She almost screams, pulling me into her arms. I don't hug back but continue to stare at the scream. Tapping it to check this is real.

"Over Atlantic are coming to my house" I speak before jumping up into the air with Jade, screaming like we're being killed. All of a
sudden my door flies open my mum walking in, immediately i dive onto my laptop shutting the lid. We both sit up sheepishly staring in her direction. Jade smiles and I look down to prevent myself from laughing. How am
I going to get out of this one?

"Whats going on in here?" She asks, I look up to see Lily crawling through the arch in mums legs and towards me. I pick her up and sit her in my lap, whilst she wraps her fingers around my thumb. Sometimes its fun having a 3 year old sister. They never really understand whats going on and love you no matter what. Well
besides at 9 yesterday morning when she copied mum with the death stares. "Keep the noise down the neighbours don't always want to hear you!"

"Sorry" I mumble as Lily climbs off my lap and onto the bed beside me picking up my phone. "And sorry about the other night."

"Yeah well its done now." she smiles, "You can make it up to me by looking after Lily for the day, deal?"

"Deal." She closes the door quietly, and i pick Lily up placing her in my dressing table chair. "Two plaits or one?" I bend down so she can see me in the mirror. She gives me a goofy grin and holds up two of her fingers. "choo" I giggle and separate her hair into two halves. Gently i section it into 3 and pull lightly to form a pretty braid, before doing the same the other side. I spray a tiny amount of hairspray across the top
to make sure it doesn't all start poking out when she rolls around and lift her down onto
the floor. Almost straight away she crawls towards my makeup which remains a pile on the floor. She grabs the nearest pink thing and begins chewing the container. I pull the blusher away from her mouth and grab a brush from the side, putting some onto the chubby apples of her cheeks. After i gather up all my makeup and place it into the draw, making sure its out of her reach.

"Oh my god Nicole, look at this" Shit i forgot Jade was even there for a minute. I put Lily on my shoulders and climb onto the bed, drawing my attention to her phone. I look at it and look again. Quickly i pass Lily to jade and snatch her phone away scanning what I can see. Charlie has just called me beautiful. I click on the video Jade has shared with all of the boys and cringe as i hear myself talking to Lily about plaiting her hair and then making her cheeks look pink. I scroll down further into the twitter groupchat only to see that the boys have asked for my @. what the fuck.


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