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Nicole's POV;
*Above is Nicole for the house date ~ if you could vote for my story it would mean a lot to me.*

By the time I managed to get home from the shoot last night, my legs were achy, my eyes would just about stay open, and the minute i hit my head against the pillow, I was gone within seconds. But god i'm paying for it this morning. The makeup, in which i forgot to take off has spread about my face and all over my pillow, causing a spot go to grow by my eyebrow and due to the fact i've slept in dungarees i'm boiling hot meaning that my body feels sweaty and disgusting. As well as my hair, causing my immediate reaction to be almost running to the bathroom and stripping down into the nude, adjusting the heat of the shower and climbing in, a sigh of relief leaving my lips as the hot water travels down my body slowly. I take my favourite strawberry conditioner running it through my hair with my hands and massaging into my head like always, before rinsing and doing the same with my conditioner, but keeping it just to the ends of my hair, to prevent it from becoming quickly greasy. I wash my body thoroughly with my lush body scrub before grabbing my towel from the drying rack and exiting the shower. I have no idea if its just me but post showers make me feel so put together and motivated.

The boys are coming to my house today, in just under 3 hours my favourite band will be stood in my house. Which is weird for me because when I see them around I feel like i'm at home? Even if its in the middle of London. I feel like i've seen the boys many times now, to the point i've learnt to be myself around them, which i definitely wasn't at the beginning. I used to go quiet or freak out and after i would always hate myself for it, even though i blame it on my anxiety. I pull out my favourite underwear set, and delicately put it on, being careful not to snag the lace on my nails. Before sitting on the edge of the bed facing the mirror to blow-dry my hair. Whenever it comes to a task like this I always pray someone will just come and do
it for me, i'm sure every girl will be able to agree that its a killer for the arms. I run my hands through my hair and whoosh it about making sure its all dry, before unplugging the hairdryer and shutting it away in my draws. I open my wardrobe finding the forever 21 jumper i bought with Lily last weekend for
today and slide it on over my head adjusting it to my body so it lays right. Before chucking on some yoga pants, creating a casual look. I really don't want to look overdressed considering the boys are only coming to my house but neither do I want to look underdressed. To make the look more dressy I decide to use the darker variety of my makeup to make it more visible than normal. And once i'm finished i'm quite impressed with the final look. It is then when i turn my focus back to my hair, and brush it through. Due to the fact naturally my hair is dead straight but still holds volume I pull it into a high bun at the back of my head, and pull down some strands from by my ears and each side of my forehead, before hair spraying it briefly.

the stairs, crap, I literally forgot about the party tonight, like I said, this is what happens when too much goes on at once. I plug my phone in, leaving it up here to charge before working my way downstairs, checking myself out in the mirror once I get to the bottom. I approach the lounge, which is the biggest part of my house,noticing balloons tied up around the room and covering the floor. Massive
gold balloons spell out happy birthday, in front of the windows, and I also notice that behind the food table where everything's covered over for hygiene, two big pink balloons reading '17'. I smile to myself at how good todays going to be, first with the boys and then my party later on. But my smile really appears when mum walks through the doorway carrying boxes of alcohol.

"You see the empty table, lay these all out on it whilst I go and get the rest of it." she smiles, passing me the boxes. "Oh and Nicole, whilst I get the chance to talk to you on your own, i'm trusting you with this."

"Yes thank-you mum." I smile, ripping the boxes open aggressively and bundling the alcohol onto the table. Mum re joins me with the remaining boxes and assists me with putting it out, when suddenly theres a loud knock at the door. I jump out of my skin and walk towards it, mum peeping around the corner to watch as it happens. I quickly check my hair one last time in the mirror before, placing my hand on the door knob. Here goes nothing.

"Helloooo!" Rebecca grins, embracing me in a hug. I take a deep sigh into her shoulder before pulling away from her, and shaking my head, listening to my mum who's hysterically laughing at what has just happened.

"Honestly Rebecca you made me freak out, I thought you were the boys." I sigh removing my hand from my heart. " Im glad your here though."

"I did try and call you to say i'm on my way, but there was no answer as per usual." She grins, shutting the door and welcoming herself into the living room. "Ive got my things in this bag, is it okay if i take it upstairs now?"

"Oh yeah, I left my phone to charge upstairs." i begin, "Sure go ahead." I answer, watching as she walks past me and plods up the stairs. I laugh at how scatty she is, we are basically sisters. All of the sudden the knocker goes again, and Becca runs down the stairs almost falling onto her butt, I laugh at her earning a jokey glare back.

"Open it then." Nervously I take a deep breathe opening the door slowly, to reveal 5 very happy boys and a smiley rik, driving back out of my drive way.

"hey stranger." Sean greets me pulling me so tight into a hug my feet nearly leave the floor. Trevor walks in and hugs me, I could say he looks as nervous as I do, which makes me feel a million times better about the current situation. Liam greets me next and i've honestly never had a hug that felt so meaningful in my whole life, it was as if he'd been waiting years for that one moment and thats why I will always treasure Liam hugs more than anyone else on the planet, well besides Charlie. Gabe takes me next, rubbing my back gently before following on to Rebecca like the rest of the boys. I laugh at how she probably doesn't even know who's shes hugging, if that is the case then shes dealing with the situation a million times better than i would be. When its Charlies turn, he literally picks me up and spins me around, like we're officially best friends. And i cant help
but hear my inner fangirl screaming out.

I lead the boys into the living room and they all jackpot their spaces on my sofa, before turning there attention to the decoration and alcohol in the room. Sean looks way to happy at the amount of vodka and i don't blame him, its great stuff.

"This is so cool" Liam picks up one of the balloons and kicks it over to Sean who hits it to me. "Who's 17?"

"Me tomorrow." I grin, chucking the balloon back to Sean. "I have a party tonight, and you can say we set up pretty early."

"Where was my invitation?" Charlie pouts, jokingly swinging his arm around my shoulders.

"Yeah and mine?" Gabe joins in, throwing his arm around my shoulders  from the other side of me.

"You are more them welcome to stay." I laugh, "I didn't really think you would ever want to come to a 'fans' party, especially mine." Everyone looks shocked at what id just said and awkwardly I stare at Rebecca, wishing the ground would swallow me whole.

"Your not just a 'fan' " Liam begins, but Trevor hits his chest and mouths 'now is not the time' .
I laugh, and worm my way out of the boys grip, god give me strength.


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