Tea Time

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Yurahime P.O.V.

We finally went back to the house. Tired from school activity and all the drama, I immediately went to my room and flopped down on the bed. Thank god that Yui-chan knows I'm tired and didn't question me.

'Ha. I'm so tired. Spacing out on lessons I already know. Enduring the glares and goo goo eyes from the students. Meeting the self-proclaimed Queen Bee who is raging hardcore fangirl of the Sakamaki brothers. My life is pretty messed up.'

I took a shower because of fatigue. After I finish, I dressed in my pajamas which consists of a simple black sleeveless shirt and white pajama pants. I like wearing booty shorts while I sleep but there sre boys here. Perverted ones to boot. I tied my hair into a simple ponytail once again and went down for dinner.

Dinner was uneventful except for the constant flirting, arguing for food, asking me how was my first day ( in a gossiping manner ), me and Yui-chan talking peacefully about girl things, Kanato talking to his Teddy which really makes me think that Kanato should be sent into an asylum and Reiji scolding everyone. Other than those noise, it was pure awkward silence. After dinner, me and Yui-chan went to my room and sat on the bed.

"Ne, Onee-sama. What did you think about Suzukiro Aya?" Yui started. This irritated me. Just thinking about that woman annoys me.

"Hn. She's just a delusional banshee. That high-pitched voice of hers almost broke my eardrums."

"*Giggle*. True, true."

"By the way Yui-chan, I've got a questions."

"What is it?"

"I feel like I have waited too long. Baised on what you said, they should have sucked my blood by now. Are they that cautious of me?"

"Probably. It's because of Karlheinz's statement you know."

"I see."

We fell into a deep silence. Things are gonna be bad if they found out about my existence and origin. Many would try to kidnap me for their own use. Not only my life is in danger but Yui-chan's life too. She may have a special ability bit that won't secure her life. I gritted my teeth in frustration. This will not be good. I provoked Karlheinz because he already found out and I can't show my weakness but in truth it's really dangerous. But no matter how I hide it, it's inevitable that my secret would be found out. Many would come after Yui-chan and would also target as a hostage. In a situation where no one would help us, I have no choice but to use my powers.

"Onee-sama calm down." Yui snapped oit of my thoughts. She smiled at me reassuringly.

"Everything's going to be okay. We are together after all." My eyes widened before a smile broke into my face.

"You really know how to calm me down, Yui-chan." I smiled at her.

"Anything for you."

While I still have my doubts, I still got to believe that everything will be alright. When me and Yui-chan combine our powers, we are going to be invinsible.


I was doing some late night studying when someone knocked on my door. I looked at the clock. It shows that it is 11:34.

'Who would be knocking at my door now.'

When I opened it, Reiji was standing there with a cold gaze but I could see anticipation in them.

'So he's the first one.'

"Follow me to my room." He commanded.

"So you're the first one to suck my blood, huh?"

"I see that you are ready."

With that we step out into the hallway. He's not teleporting which means that he intends to keep an eye on me. So he wants to find my secret, huh?

'Fine by me. Let's see if you can get a thing out of me.'

To be honest, I'm pretty curious about the vampire's reaction to my blood. So I can tell if it will attract other supernaturals or not. If it doesn't, that's one less thing for me to worry about. If it is, then I can't do anything except cursing my blood. I was lost in my thoughts that I didn't notice that the door was in front of me. I was snapped out of my thoughts when I heard the door open.

We sat on a black sofa with a black vintage table in front of it. The table has a kettle and two teacups. Now that I'm done inspecting, I noticed that his room is full of shades of black and gray. How gloomy.

He poured tea in our cups. It must have a drug in it. A powerful one too. I could decline the tea but that would imply I knew about his habit and Yui-chan would have gotten punished. So I opted to drink it. Good thing it doesn't have any taste. He must have knew about my internal struggle because he didn't do anything and just watched me with a smirk. After a while, I felt my arms and legs go numb. I can use my powers to resist it but that would lead to some supicions.

"You bastard. Is drugging a guest one of your sick hobbies?" I couldn't help but glare at him.

"I should punish that woman because she told you but because you drank it I guess I could let it pass off." Then his gaze to something predatory. He lied down on the sofa with me on top of him. The position made me blush. He saw my face and chuckled eerily.

"You should be happy you know. This is our first time but I let you be on top of me. I'm even surprised by my own actions. This curiousity of mine cannot be satisfied until I taste your blood." He whispered in my ear. I shuddered when his breath tickled my ear. I would be kicking his ass now for humiliating me but I can't do anything. This is my first time doing an intimate position with a man after all.

I felt him lower his face to my neck and sniff.

"Hn. You smell sweet too. What are you?"

"Do you think I would tell you?" I sneered.

"I expected that answer but let us not prolong it any further." He suddenly bit my neck without warning. I whimpered at the pain and tried not to show the pain in my face which is reall hard. He reeled back in shock.

"This blood! It is different than Yui. You really have a dark taste you know. A complete different flavor. But it satisfies my tastes like your sister. You must be a rare kind." I gritted my teeth at the last sentence. His right. In fact, I'm the only one who existed as a---

"It looks like I am right." He said. I replied nothing. He just took my silence to continue sucking my blood. As I began to lose consciousness, I only thought of one thing.

'I wish I didn't drank that damn tea of his.'

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