Chap 8.

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In the name of Allah the most beneficial, the most merciful.

Peace and blessings of Allah is upon our beloved prophet (may Allah exalt his mention), his blessed descendant and noble companions.


-people can put you down, and they will.

But Allah will not abandon you as long as you don't.-
25th April 2017.
Hey,  today is a special day,  does it ring a 🔔.  Probably not :(. 
But today is really important to me because today I am a year older.  Happy birthday to me.

I weakly opened my eyes due to the annoying itches I was experiencing.

My face was battered with butter and there seated across me was sameera and Mustapha..

"I told you it would be funny" she said and both of them were enjoying my condition laughing out loud.

"What's that all about"  was the only thing I manage to say.

"This is not bama" hissed  sameera.

"You can't sleep all morning here" she adds .

I raised my head and it was already 11:45am, my God

I must have over slept, besides I was exhausted from the wedding , here and them...

Ignoring sameera's teasing comment, I went to take a shower.

"mustapha , can I talk to you please" I beseech him.

"Sure" he answered.

"Alone please ".

"No, feel free to talk to him here, because this ..: she pointed at both her and mustapha "you're going to see alot of us".

"Whatever " I rolled my eyes.

"Can I please call home with your phone" I asked.

"O.M.G , who doesn't have a phone " sameera mocked.

By Allah I just met her, but I feel like strangling her.

"Here you go bama girl" said mustapha passing me his phone.

I kept looking at the phone unable to figure out how to operate it, his phone was nothing like the flip phone maah used.

Mustapha's P.O.V;

"And I can't believe she doesn't know what an iphone is, I mean who doesn't" said sameera.

I looked at her, and she was acting oblivious towards sameera.

Sameera has done enough for a day I thought.

"Bring it bama girl" I said trying to help her out.

"Hey , are you deaf now" yelled sameera making her jump out of her trance.

she handed me back my phone and started to read me the number. 080344......

On the first ring another village girl picked but with a louder voice Than her.

"Here you go" , I handed her the phone.

"Sadiya" she whispered and tears started to run down her cheeks.

This girl must love crying .


"Don't you dare tell her something is wrong, a married couples problem should always be sorted by them"  he whispered and smirk.

This man must be the devil himself.

Ignoring him I sat on the couch enjoying my beautiful conversation with sadiya.

I felt relief, to finally talk to a decent person.

Mustapha's P.O.V ;

I was glad at how time could fly.

In no time, I would be leaving this place and my so called honeymoon.

I was enjoying my hour of peace when sameera came , disturbing me.

Sometimes she really acts grumpy and is more annoying than bama girl.

Falmata's p.o.v ;

Since I arrived here, each time I close my eyes, I see them both , him calling me bama girl, which I hate .

I could argue for all eternity if I may, but something keeps telling me that he won't quit calling me bama girl.

I lived in yobe not bama, but someone like him will never know the difference.

I decided to comb my hair when I saw sameera standing in front of me.

Her eyes widen at the sight of my hair, and the fake smile she was wearing faltered.

"Your hair is long" she said almost regretting her words.

"And yours isn't"  I said feeling like a champ.

"Not bad, for a local girl like you" she said referring to my comeback.

Argh !! I yelled inside my head , am really sick and tired of them calling me a local girl like am some diseased.

How's the chap?
Jazakhallahu khairan for the reads. 
And don't 4gt to include me in ur dua's. This chapter is my gift to you all. Love u'l  n keep the supports on.

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