chap 11

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Abu huraira (may Allah be pleased with him ) reported,the ,messenger of Allah (PBUH ) said:"were people to know the blessings of pronouncing the adhan and the standing in the first row, they would even draw lots to secure this privileges."
(Albukhari wa Muslim).

Chapter dedicated to Spelled_pen
"Happy birthday Ashraff.
Age with grace."
Ramadan kareem to all my Muslim readers.

Wake up, I heard
Wake up sleeply head.
Mah cing'na dai Yaagana har k'ma son leccin
(Mah, am up its ya gana, she's still napping), I mumbled.
Wake up, silly, which ya gana said fanna shaking me up .
What, I said sitting on my butt.
Have you forgotten, today is your first day in school and you are already getting late, said fanna.
What , school...oh my words, it totally skip off my mind.
Mom, has asked mustapha to enroll me in the same school as fanna, I think we are even in the same class since we are age mates.

After fanna left from the room, I force my lazy self into the washroom,
After my normal routine, I wore the school uniform which was a short skirt and a long sleeves with black and white striped jacket, I kept staring at the mirror, I can't possibly be expected to wear this to school.
I don't have all day , I heard mustapha's hoarse voice.
Sorry,I beamed.
Can't I wear anything, other than this ?, I asked
But he left me standing.
Falmata, let's go.
Mustapha said if you waste anymore time , then he will leave you to trek,
I rolled my eyes knowing how impossible it is.
You know, mustapha also has to go to work.
Yes, I nodded , following her behind.

Third's P. O. V ;
Mustapha dropped falmata and fanna at school.
Afterwards he headed to work, as usual he met Sameera in his office waiting for him.
Sometimes he wondered if she has a life, but remembering what she did for him, made him shrugged any negative feelings.
Sameera had being there for him when no one was, that he felt indebted towards her.
Samira kept nagging over the worthless things possible but mustapha found a perfect way to make her feel like his with her while he deals with much important things.
Falmata and fanna arrive at the high school.
Everyone waves fanna , some hail her over nothing which made falmata gets the feeling that fanna is a very popular girl in school.
Fanna and falmata parted ways in the hall way.
Falmata is a science student while fanna is an art student, the only class they had in common was biology.
Falmata entered her class, which was maths.
Everyone's eyes were on her as she walked in.
The teacher asked her to introduce herself after she informed him that she was the new exchange student from yobe.
Falmata scanned the class room, but all she felt was jitters. She felt out of place. On like her old school everyone here was looking egoistic and rich.
She shrugged the feeling and made her way into the empty seat at the back.
Hey she heard an unfamiliar voice saying.
She looked over her shoulders and meet with a dashing young looking boy.

Falmata's p.o.v. ;
Hey, I heard a mysterious voice called.
I frowned at his gesture.
But I decided the guy won't back up , when he asked my name.
It isn't important, I rolled my eyes and tried really hard to focus on the lectures.
Uhmm, am farouq he said , throwing me a smile.
Just when I was ready to utter something, the teacher got my attention.
No noise allowed here , miss shehu !, the teacher scold.
I felt ashamed as all the eyes were on me, for the second time in less than an hour.
The bell ran, and I was save any room for further embracement.
I stood sheepishly, walking out when the teacher stoped me.
miss shehu , he called out.
Yes sir, I answered.
Fatima, you are a bit behind, farouq here would be helping you, he said.
No, sir I would be just fine , I said.
Trust me, farouq is the best and you would need just the best to catch up, having your waec around.
Waec , I beamed.
Yes , sir I would be glad to help her, farouq smirked.
At this moment I felt like screaming at this dude, he keeps on popping at my problems.

Fanna i missed you my friend squirmed hugging me.
Hey, I also miss you, I beamed.
What happened I couldn't reach you through out the weekend Aisha asked quite worried.
Forget that, so have you seen him, I asked.
Yeah,she sqeaul.
Farouq , I said dreamy.

Later in the day , I met falmata at the cafeteria.
She kept asking about waec and jamb,and I swear it all brought bad memories.
I would have started my SAT's by now, if not for what happen.
I just hope , Dad has a change of heart before I go to college.i am tired of living a fake life here. For the first time ever , I envy my brother zanna who's still overseas.
Yes, falmata , waec is coming soon was all I said.
And the bell rung.
Lets get to class said falmata and we started our journey when Amina and Aisha came dragging me.
Hey, let's go said Aisha.
And who is she, eyed Aminatu.
Aminatu is always the duff of my clique , even though she tries hard to blend.
No one, I said and left with her.
Falmata stood there unable to process things, I think.
What fanna said shattered my soul.
'No one' kept ringing in my head.
Hey, let's go to class said farouq.
Mr. Shawn doesn't tolerate late coming, he said trying to drag me by my hands.
Let go off my hands, I yelled.
Transferring all my annoyance at him.
His expression changes and I felt guilty.
Sorry, I muttered and left from there.
The rest of the day rolled by.
The last bell rung and I almost ran out of the school premises when farouq stopped me.
Uhmm, he scratched his head.
Well, I said.
Can i start tutoring you tomorrow after school, he asked.
If it's convenience for you, he adds.
We'll just see, was all I said before disappearing.
I spotted mustapha's car in no time as I entered the parking lot.
Hey, how's your first day in school , asked fanna.
Oh,so she's suddenly interested , I rolled my eyes.
It's ok, I replied.
Am not your driver, so try not to make me wait again or...., I heard mustapha's awful voice.
When I looked at him through the mirror , I shivered in fear.
O..k I stuttered.
He can't possibly threaten me or can he?.
So, tell me all about it, fanna tap me. .. I stammered.
Your day, dhur.
Oh, I exclaimed.
My very first in school was bizarre.
I couldn't even decide who's worst, the persistent farouq or the reeked mannered mustapha.
No, all of them , all their attitude meant nothing compare to fanna.
She was the only friend I sorted for here, but she proved me wrong.
Was she ashamed of me in front of her friends? .
Falmata to earth, fanna snapped her fingers.
I looked up, coming back to reality.
Since you choose to ignore me for all the ride back home, you can as much get down , we are home said fanna.
That's when I realised that the car has come to a halt.

Sorry for the late update! .
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~With lurv,
Carltumee 💋

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