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The prophet (pbuh) said ; "No good deeds are done on other days are superior to those done on this day first ten days of dhul-hijj).", then some companions of the prophet (pbuh) said, "Not even jihad?", he replied "Not even jihad except that of a man who does it by putting himself and his property in danger ( for Allah's sake) and does not return with any of those things ". (BUKHARI )

After seeing sameera in the living room, I couldn't think straight. I was finding it had to believe if this pass few days really happened. I said a silent prayer "God please don't make mustapha go back to his odd habits".
When Mustapha asked me to go in with him, I couldn't be more happier. We left the environment that seem to suffocate not only me but both of us.
Once we went in, fanna followed us with our luggages along side the help.
Fanna sat near me pestering us to gist her about Spain.
I couldn't say no to her. I gisted her about Spain, atleast most of it. Ok, I said stuffs I couldn't remember because most of the time my mind was drifting back to sameera.
I couldn't believe sameera has stolen my peace even without trying.
She's indeed a devil.
Fanna got the hint, and left me to rest.
The night was long and we were restless.
Both i and mustapha lacked enough sleep because both of us kept trying to put our fingers on what type of game sameera might be playing.
After Fajr, mustapha didn't return back to sleep..
He waked me up two hours later with a dashing breakfast and a cup of coffee.
We had our Devine breakfast together in bed.
I never knew, he could cook this much. Even though deep down i knew the help made it.
I wasn't planning on denying him the pleasure yet.
Mustapha kissed my forehead and left for work.
After he left the room, I decided it would be nice if I walk him to the car.
After making my way to the living room, I spotted sameera standing in front mustapha.
For a moment, I thought he had forgiven her and I was somewhat sadden.
I wanted to run away from there, because only I knew what a bad company she is , till I noticed that mustapha was clearly denying her his attention.
She was trying so hard to talk to him, then I knew I wouldn't let her get her way.
Atleast not today.
Mustapha, you are here? " I asked stepping in between them.
He gave me the confuse look till I nod my head as a signal.
Mum's calling you, I said to him and he excused him self.
I walked him to his car and lean on the bonnet .
Mustapha am afraid , should I be " I asked honestly.
Oh my sweet little Bama girl,
You don't have to be afraid, everything will be ok" He assured me.
But am nervous, nervous that you will leave me for her.
Seeing you today, made me afraid. Knowing I could loose you anytime scares me" I said.
Don't be, you can only loose me if you wish to.
And that I won't allow you to " he said honestly.
With that I bade him goodbye as he drove away.

Mustapha's P.O.V;
After reaching the office I was glad for having heaps of work to be done with for the first time ever .
After taking my jacket off, I sat on the swivel office seat took my pen and atleast 10 files to start with and I was in work zone.
I couldn't finish a paragraph with out an intermission. The office line kept ringing, it was clearly disturbing my peace.
For the first time today I had managed to keep sameera out of my mind.
I had my receptionist answer all calls directed to my office.
She had called me back after an hour and informed me that most of the calls if not all were from sameera. I haven't hang the call,
When a delivery man , delivered and item to my office.
The package was titled to "mi amor".
I quickly dealt with the formalities, eager to see what my sweet Bama girl has for me.
I can't believe she's already getting good in Spanish.
I opened the package and to my surprise it was an apology letter , what could she possibly want to apologize for?, i thought at first untill realization hit me.
Sameera " I said spitefully.

Dear, Am really sorry if you are hurt.
You know I will never hurt you right? .
Your darling sameera.
How could you " I said sarcastically.

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