₪ 13: Happy birthday :13 ₪

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Hiyori's POV

Yukine and Yato forgave me for hiding my wound. They also both helped me healing it.
This evening Yukine, Yato, Kofuku, Daikoku and I prepared the shrine for tomorrow.

It seemed Yukine was very serious about it. He even made a list. And it was a long list..

Music, costumes, everything had to be perfect. Honestly, I don't even know why there has to be costumes.

In the end the shrine was decorated in beautiful lilies, cherry blossoms and other plants. Even my outfit was covered in those flowers.

"Hey? Yukine? Why is my uniform covered in flowers?"
I asked.
"Lilies and cherry blossoms are (y/n)'s favorite flowers. I hope she notices..."
"Of course she will!"
I said.

"The only thing that I think is a little strange is that you know wich flowers she likes."
I said with a grin on my face.
"It's okay. I understand."
I smiled and he smiled back.

"But I still think that the outfits are a bit to much, aren't they?"
I asked.
"Y-yeah, maybe you're right.. Let's forget about the outfits then."

"I think that the decorations and the cake are enough."
I said.
"Oh no! The cake! I totally forgot!"
Yukine screamed with his hands on his head. I giggled.

"It's okay. I bought one this morning."
"Oh thanks, Hiyori. I almost freaked out there."
Yukine said.
"Nope, you totally freaked out. Now.. Where is Yato?"
I asked.

"Is someone looking for me??"
Yato jumped behind the wall.
"Oh there you are. It's almost midday. I hope (y/n) comes."
I said.
"She said she would come, right?"
Yato asked.
"Yeah, but still.."
"She will come.. I'm sure of it."
Yukine said. I smiled.

Your POV (dark version)

You sat in a tree, waiting until Yato and the others were ready.

"This is boring..when are they ready?"
You said bored.
"Hiyori? When will she come?"
You heard the voice of Yukine asking.
"She didn't say anything about time.."
"I hope she comes quickly. 'Cause were ready", yukine said.
"Don't worry..I'll be there quickly.."
You murmured and jumped down.

"I'm here.. So..what is it?" you said.
Yukine stuttered.
"Yeah, it's me.. So?"

You heard a loud bang behind Hiyori and Yukine and saw a rain of confetti.

"Happy birthday!!"
Yato shouted.

"Kenta? Do you know when it's my birthday?"
"No, I don't. I'm really sorry.."

You heard Yukine saying when you came back to reality.

"Yato? Did it work?"
Hiyori whispered in Yato's ear.
"If you think I'm back, you must be really stupid. By the way, I hate those flowers. They're to colorful."
You turned around.

"It's working!"
You heard the white spirit in my head.
"Shut up, it won't help."
You replied.

(Is this weird..'cause you're basically talking to yourself..)

"Please (y/n), we did our best."
Hiyori said.
"You want another wound, huh?"
You said.

"(Y/n)! Stop this! You're not yourself!"
Yukine yelled at me.
"Stupid little boy..."

Yato's POV

I whispered.
She wispered back.
"Go look for another regalia. We might fix this with an ablution."
"That way we can maybe force the bad spirit to leave (y/n)'s body."
"Bad spirit?"
"Every regalia is in fact a spirit, right? Well, because (y/n) has that DID, she has two spirirs."
"Are you sure it'll work?"
"I don't know. I just hope Yukine knows how to do it. There is no time to look for two regalias."
"Okay, I'll go."
"Now, quick."

Hiyori left the shrine from the back door and ran away.

Nora's POV

"I guess she doesn't remember her nane yet?"
Fader said.
"We can maybe use her in our advantage, father.."
"We already did, right? Just one push from your regalia form and she won't stand in anyone's way anymore..."

Father walked out of the shadows.

"Well well, Yaboku.."
Father said.
"No, not you again. You really have a bad timing."
Yato replied.

"So, (y/n)? Still standing? Chiki.."
Father asked and I turned into my monk's staff form. He held me close to
(y/n)'s neck.
"I guess, I have strong legs.."

Your POV (dark version)

"Why aren't you afraid?! One touch of that thing and we're both dead!"
The white spirit screamed.
"Oh, really? Seems like a challenge.."
You replied.

"Yukine! Come here! It's dangerous!"
Yato shouted and Yukine ran inside.
"(Y/n)! I know what you're thinking. Don't be stupid!"
Yato shouted again.

"That's right! He can hear our thoughts! Yato! Can your hear me?!"
The spirit said.
"Loud and clear.."
"Then why didn't you tell me before?!"
"Well, maybe because you weren't the one I talked to every time!"
"Yeah..I get it.."

"What's wrong Yato?"
Yukine asked.
"Nothing. I'll explain later."
Yato replied.

"Enough! I will end this, now!"
Father yelled and poked you.

(Yeah, he poked you..)

"(Y/realn)..(y/realn)! (Y/realn). (Y/realn)
(Y/realn)? (Y/REALN)!!"

A bunch of voices ran through your head. You fell on your knees with your hands in your hair.

Yato's POV

Yukine screamed. I held has arm when he wanted to leave the shrine.
A blight spread on my neck and back.

"Yato?!! What's happening?!"
Yukine was confused.

At that time Hiyori arrived with a regalia. It was Kazuma.
Of every regalia she could choose..she just had to chose Kazuma.. Bishamon came too, who walked straight to me.

"Bishamon? What is going on here?"
Yukine asked.

Daikoku and Kofuku came outside and Kofuku sat next to me.

"Yukine, go to (y/n) together with Kazuma and Daikoku. We need an ablution."
Bishamon said.
"Wha-?! But I-?"
"You can do it Yukine. You can save
(y/n).. Just believe in yourself.."
I murmured to him.

"Go, Yukine!"
Bishamon shouted. Yukine ran outside together with Daikoku and Kazuma, who was already outside.

"Hiyori chose the wrong regalia, Yato. You know that."
Bishamon told me.
"I know... But there's no time.."

Kofuku looked at us with a worried and scared face.

(Yukine x reader) Regalia ✓ [REWRITING]Where stories live. Discover now