Why 'ello beautiful

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Hermione sat crying for at least half an hour leaning against a tree with her arms wrapped around her bare knees. At this point she didn't care about the monsters that could heer her she only cared about the fact she was going to Azkaban for taking an innocent life. She was sure about that.

Afterall she did leave him when he most needed her. All she could think of was what could have happened if she never left. This broke her into more tears as she dug head into her kneed. She dug her nails into her arms as hard as she could as she cried her eyes out making small trickles of blood fall down her bare arms.

Hermione froze as she suddenly heard a branch snap not far from her. It was just like before when Draco and herself met in the woods. And feeling as though someone was there she slowly looked up and gasped.

The body it was gone! Hermione instantly and ran her hands thru her soft curls. Where the hell had he gone?! She thought. He was just there just a few moments ago "Draco?" She whispered before yelling. "DRACO!"

Just before Hermione could scream his name again a strong hand covered her mouth from behind and one tightly around her waist. The stranger then whispered into her ear as a terrified Hermione trien wiggling out of his strong grasp "Why 'ello beautiful."

She whimpered as she could feel the stranger's warm breath running down her bare neck. Immediately having bravery take over her she stomped on his foot causing him to let go of her, Hermione spun around see someone she'd never expect to see in the Forbidden Forest. "Scabior?!"

He groaned crouching down before slowly standing up straight to grin at her with his long strands of hair falling down his wrinkled face. "And how exactly do you know my name?" He began to stepping closer to her with a threatening look causing Hermione to whimper slightly.

"W-well you're a d-death eater you are all over the p-papers... b-but what are you doing here n-near Hogwarts?!" She shuddered hopelessly obviously feeling afraid of the crinmail getting closer to her.

Herself and the rest of the students at Hogwarts were fully aware of the death eater which were killing muggle borns to symbolize the dark lord's return. Especially since they had to prepare themselves in the Order Of Phoenix they needed to know the death eaters were out there. As Harry says.

"Well it's great to see a fan of mine. What do you want? My autograph? A picture?" He chuckled stepping even more closer.

Just then something inside of Hermione changed her fear transformed into anger. "I'm no fan! You kill for a man wouldn't even care if you were to drop dead before him. Don't you understand? All he wants is power and you're just one of his pathetic followers too afraid to admit it to yourselves!"

His devious grin dropped impressed by the young witch's choice of words. "You know once the dark lord finds out you killed a pure blood then we'll see who's not so brave after all."

"You mean Draco?" Hermione gasped "Where is he? Where did you take him?!"

"Why does it matter? You killed him to get rid of him did you not?" As he chuckled louder a few other snatchers appeared from the trees. Hermione was familiar with only one of them and that happened to be grayback. All of them glared at her as she was there meal.

She was confused why they were all here neer Hogwarts. Speaking her mind she spoke aloud. "Why are you here?"

"Well gorgeous," He smirked eyeing her up and down before continuing. "The dark lord ordered us to kill your gamekeeper what's his name again? Oh thats right Hagrid!" He smiled using hand gestures as if he was a child.

"What no! I won't let you do that!" She protested.

Scabior and the rest of the snatchers there were approximately seven loud chuckles causing an echo through the forest and shivers down her spine. "Well I'm afraid you can't stop us." He smirked. "Besides the ministry would think it was you who killed him when they see young Draco's corpse."

Just before Hermione could say anything Grayback pulled a lifeless body over his shoulder. "Draco!" She screamed running toward Grayback but having Scabior grab her tightly once again

"Tut tut maybe next time you'll think twice about killing someone in the forest thinking you will get away with it." He grinned pulling her waist closer to him.

"I didn't kill him! There was a wolf witch attacked him! Please just let me go!" She screamed

"And what? Have you blabber to that old hag Dumbledore that you saw a group of death eaters in the forest? I think not." He laughed "You're coming with us."

Not even having the chance to run away Scabior dragged her with him. She couldn't believe what was happening. First the wolf attacking Draco then a bunch of snatchers appear and now she was going to watch Hagrid die in front of her unless she did something to stop them. After being lost of thought she finally realized she had had her wand in her bag.

"Ugh how could I be so stupid?" She whispered mentally slapping herself.

"Say something my love?" Scabior questioned hearing her mumble something to herself. He had been acting more and more in love with Hermione it was starting to freak her out.

"No-nothing." She responded Scabior just looked at her strangely before continuing to walk on dragging her alongside him.

After a short while making sure all the other snatcher's attention was not on her she reached her hand towards her bag trying to not catch any of their eyes on her before completely failing to grab her wand. "Ah there it is one of the snatchers shouted out pointing at the small hut from the distance. Oh no Hermione had to do something and she had to do it fast

"Ouch!" Hermione squealed as all the snatchers immediately stopped to look at her. "I twisted my ankle." She acted convincing them all she was hurt.

"Walk it off we're almost there." Grayback grumbled continuing to walk. "I-I can't" She made her golden brown eyes water as she looked up at Scabior. "Please Scabior."

He paused and stared at her for what felt like forever before finally giving in. "Fine just take a short rest on that log over there.

Hermione nodded hopping towards the log trying to make her injured leg look convincing to them. She then sat on it as the other snatchers did their own thing waiting for her to be done. Hermione took this opportunity to grab her wand and jinx the snatchers.

"PETRIFICUS TOTALUS!" For some strange reason it was the only curse that popped into her mind so thinking fast she instantly jinxed all most all of them as fast as she could. Grayback dropped Draco's corpse and fought back.

"CRUCIO!" He yelled towards Hermione causing her to fall back and scream in agony. Scabior smirked watching the young witch be tormented as he stepped forward. "She's an impressive witch she is very fast with curses and not to mention... an amazing actress."

"So what do we do with her?" Grayback grinned revealing his pointed fangs.

"The question is what should I do with you two?" A familiar voice spoke up from behind the death eaters revealing his million-dollar smirk.

Scabior turned around instantly as his jaw dropped. Grayback dropped his wand causing the cruciatus curse to lift off of Hermione and started in disbelief before questioning "Draco?"

Sorry I haven't uploaded in like 2 months I have school and softball but it is over now so I will upload the more often now! :)  

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