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"Bellatrix... "  Hermione gasped  as she quickly stepped away from Draco. None of them had a clue what she was doing there then they both had the same thought. That guy Draco scarred earlier he could have been a death eater. He must have ended up calling Bellatrix knowing that she is his aunt.

"Don't you dare utter my name!" Bellatrix  screamed before breaking into a evil cackle of laughter. "A filthy mudblood like yourself had no right to say my name."

Hermione glared at the witch in front of her gritting her teeth together before tightly gripping around her wand. "What did you call me?"

"Let me guess Hermione Granger is it? One of Harry Potter's closest friends?" Bellatrix gave them a warm smile fooling no one not before completely dropping it giving off a blank expression. "Oh right how could I forget you were there the night I killed Sirius right?"

Draco looked back at Hermione with confusion. He hadn't known she was there when Voldemort returned. But as he looked upon her he saw fear creep into her golden brown eyes.

"I never did like that Sirius... he was nothing but trouble for me and my family." She snarled "All he did was mix with different blood's none of us liked him. His parents were even planning on getting him killed until he ran away to live with James. He was a disgrace... " Suddenly a crook cruel smile appeared on her face and she bursted out in laughter and said. "But not anymore!"

Hermione stared at her in utter shock. "How dare you..."

Bellatrix grinned devilishly.

"Your own blood your own family your own cousin you killed him because you knew that with Sirius's help Harry would defeat the dark Lord and that's screwed you're up to evil mind didn't it!"

Bellatrix's grin fell from her face as she stared in disbelief. She had never had anyone talk back to her especially a muggle born.

Hermione continued. "Without the dark lord you'll be a scum on the streets feeding off rats and begging off mudbloods and half bloods for a gallon or two! You would be nothing without him and to be quite truthful Bellatrix I wouldn't get too happy yet because it's written in Harry's fate that he will be the one who differs him. I didn't mention anything about Voldemort's victory!"

The crazy witch was now breathing sharply through her flared nostrils as she glared at Hermione.

"QUIET!" Bellatrix screamed as Draco stood in front of Hermione to keep her under his protection. "HOW DARE YOU SPEAK SO LOW OF THE DARK LORD?"

"Listen aunt she knows what she's talking about-" Draco began before being interrupted by her.

"You're supporting the mudblood now Draco?!" She screamed as she looked at nephew in utter shock. "Just wait until the Dark lord hears about this!"

Draco looked towards Hermione who looked somewhat terrified now. But the thought of the being sent to the Dark lord is the least of his worries. He was more worried about what trachurus plans Bellatrix had ideas of doing on Hermione and right now for some strange reason he had felt all he had to do was protect her.

"GUARDS!" Bellatrix screamed at groupe of tall hooded guards appeared from behind the dark night and stood next to Bellatrix waiting for their orders. "Take the, away to Malfoy manor and call to the dark lord... well ask him what to do with them." The guards went over to Hermione and grabbed either side of her shoulders.

"Let go of her!" Draco shouted as he managed to push the guards away from her then scooted in front of Bellatrix with a look that read 'don't you dare get near her!'

She snareld. "Take the boy as well."

Draco threw his fist at one of the two guards who was about to grab him but Draco knocked him out cold. The other guard casted a spell that knocked Draco and Hermione out cold. As Bellatrix stood above them she thought of all of the torcherous spell she could use on them and grinned evilly to herself. "Take them away."

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