PREPARATION - Needs Patience

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James 1:4
But let patience have its perfect work, that you may be perfect and complete,lacking nothing.

Hello everyone thank you for reading and sharing your views on the previous chapter. We are overcomers because our Lord has overcome the world.


The principle part of faith is patience.

Patience is a rare commodity in today's age of speed and technology. A farmer doesn't expect to reap the harvest the day after he plants the seed- in the season the crop will be ready. It's the same for us too- we need to be patient then the truth that is planted today in our hearts will reap benefits in near future. Sow the word of God in your youth then when we grow up into fine men and women we see the fruit.

We know the famous fable of Tortoise and hare that has a moral "slow and steady wins the race." This now has no relevance in today's fast world.

Patience has a major role in relationships too.. with our parents ,siblings,and even in the institution of marriage. Remove patience and straight away understanding is lost,once understanding is lost, communication gap develops and then the relationship is strained.

We should not be in a hurry to get the things done. Never give up trying, but be patient and allow God time to work in and through you. Joseph was never in a hurry he simply stayed true to his conscience and allowed God's will in his life. If he wouldn't have been patient even in the prison with the cupbearer and the baker, he would have been consumed in his own anger and frustration. He didn't let the cupbearer's forgetfulness get to him. He just waited on the Lord. Isaiah 40:31 says if we wait on God we will receive strength. And indeed joesph received the strength to endure his time in prison for the crime he didn't do.

The irony of the situation in our lives is we ask God for patience and we demand it now! 😂😅
For the development of character, patience is of paramount importance. Patience is worked out over time and is never available over the counter.
God is never late, so we need to learn to be patient and never give up trusting him!
Joseph knew this truth and waited for the right time and indeed he was appointed at the right time to supply food for his brothers and his father.
James 1:4 is crucial here for us to mature we need to persevere !
God spent 40 years to teach the Israel to obey him in wilderness.. but did he leave them alone? NO he was their pillar of cloud in the day and pillar of fire in the cold of night !
Same goes for us- during the time of waiting we should remember his promise from Hebrews 13:5.. and never lose heart!

Just as soil is tilled and stripped before seeds are planted, we too must go through trials to prepare our hearts for the seeds of God's word. God's word cannot be sown into our lives if our hearts are hard, so he allows us to face trials and still he is with us. The trials that Joseph endured werenecessary to prepare him for the greater things God had in store for him. He accepted the trials and never became angry on God or was ever disappointed with God.

By being patient and ensuring trials, we allow ourselves to be humbled. We must know that God is preparing us for greater things ! When ever in such trials remember this hymn - He's still working on me, to make me what I ought to be...." Joseph was patient and humble and so God exalted him! According to Matt 23:12 whoever humbles himself will be exalted! Did Joseph have that word of God at that time.. but still he humbled himself!? How come and why? Because he trusted the God who gave him the dreams and visions and knew that He who promised will definetly fulfill it!
And Joseph was so humble he felt that he was being prepared all those years to provide for his family in the time of need!

People of humility don't think less of themselves,they think of themselves less. - Ken Blanchard

Today we have just learnt that we must be prepared for the work of God in our lives and this procedure take a whole lot of time! And we need to be waiting upon the Lord ! So that we can renew our strength everyday! !..

Am extremely grateful to everyone who is reading, dropping stars and letting know their opinions! Thank you.

Do voice your opinion on the topic discussed! :)

Stay Blessed!
Stay Wow !
Keep praying


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