Chapter 13

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Chapter 13: Don't Touch Her
You sigh in contentment as you snuggle into BEN's cold but oddly comforting side; with his left arm draped over your shoulders, tugging you even closer to him. 

The two of you, wrapped soothingly in incredibly soft blankets and fluffy pillow's, were watching "How I Met Your Mother" on Netflix; though neither of you were paying any attention to what was happening.  

BEN somehow had managed to slowly inch your way onto his lap, without you realizing this before it was too late; showing you his perverse grin as he spins you around on his lap to face him.

"B-BEN? W-What are you doing...?" You slowly feel your cheeks begin to burn up as BEN eyes your body almost hungrily, suddenly feeling that despite you are well covered, that it is still not enough.

"Hmm...Let's have a little fun, why don't we?" BEN murmurs softly as he brings his silky soft lips onto the exposed flesh of your skin, kissing your bare skin delicately.

Despite your cheeks burning as if they were on fire, you hesitantly let your eyes flutter shut; surprisingly enjoying the softness of his sweet lips on your neck.

Then something happens.

You feel as every nerve in your body has been activated and heightened. Pleasurable shivers crawl up and down your spinal cord. Goosebumps appear everywhere on your skin, whether or not it is covered my clothing or not. The rational portion of your mind escapes your temporarily as a very soft but audible moan stains your lips.

BEN's sly smirk turn into a full, almost insane grin, as he knows now where your "soft spot" is. 

Which of course he's going to use to his advantage.

BEN fiercely starts to attack that one spot on your neck. Sucking, kissing, biting; whatever action he has to do to hear your moan in lust. 

The dead boy's actions makes every hair on your body stand up in anticipation, your mind is long gone and has been captivated by his spell, and gosh, does this feel so darn good. Quite but consistent moans leave your lips as BEN continues with his actions, until he is satisfied with the love marks he's left on your tender neck.

"B-BEN..." Your manage to stutter out with your half-lidded eyes, staring at him with your mind still fuzzy on disorientated. 

"Mm...You like that don't you? Well then you'll love t-"  A sudden shrill noise slices through the air, piercing your eardrum painfully.

"W-What is that...?" You quietly ask BEN, with your hands covering your ears. The rather unpleasant noise seems to have broken the trance he had over you, your mind slowly wrapping around what had just happened.

"Well f*ck. I have to go, but we'll continue this later, _____" BEN winks seductively at you, though the annoyance by his pager clear in his eyes; before he walks over to your TV and disappears into pixels and binary code.

You blink several times in utter confusion as BEN and the unpleasant sound leave, before your cheeks flush a color that is not yet discovered by mankind.


It's been several hours since BEN had left, and to take your racing mind off what you and him at been doing, you decided to, for once in your life, do  your homework.

"I hate Math..." You mutter annoyingly to your self as you hurriedly scrawl out the equations on a piece of lined paper; not bothering to double check if you had done it right or not.

"Pssh, sucks to be you." You hear slightly raspy but deep voice ringing out from the far corner of your room, coming more or less from the direction of your window.

"Jeff, what are you doing here?" You mutter lazily while spinning around to face the psychotic killer with what seems to be a placid expression, but deep down, you still fear him and the other Creepypasta's; having red their stories and being terrified that you could possibly become one of their next victims...

"Mm...? Just paying a visit..." He murmurs softly as he saunters up to you, something different in his pitch black irises that seem to alarm your very much so.

"J-Jeff, w-what are you doing?" The fear you had hidden so well inside of your surfaces quickly to your skin as the killer hovers his disfigured face far to close for comfort  to yours. 

"Nothing..." The psychotic killer murmurs lustfully before roughly pressing his lip onto yours, the permanent scars that he had engraved in his face rubbing creepily against your face.

Your pupils seem to dilate from shock and terror, hastily pulling your lips away from Jeff's chapped ones. "S-Stop it!"

Jeff almost lazily pulls out his long, sharp and slightly bloodied knife from his white hoodie, pressing it softly against your flesh and watching sadistically as the blood flows down your new found wound.

"I wouldn't do that if I were you... Unless of course, you don't mind being my next victim..."

A soft whimper escapes your lips as Jeff licks the blood away from the cut he placed onto your skin, his calloused hands traveling all over your body; halting in your more... private regions.  "Mm... Act like your enjoying this..." He murmurs softly against your skin, sending shivers up your spine. Not the ones that BEN gives you though, more along the lines of Oh-My-Gosh-He's-Going-To-Rape-Me-Then-Kill-Me-And-Leave-Me-In-A-Ditch kind of shiver.

Despite how much you wanted to take the knife and stab him, the terror clouding your mind refrains from letting you do so and with much difficulty, you force soft moans and a pleasured look on your facial expression; earning a soft grunt of approval from Jeff. 

Jeff slowly moves his lips from your wound back onto your soft lips, kissing it hungrily from the lust in his system.

"WHAT THE LITERAL F*CK?!?!" A very pissed looking BEN stands by your sleek TV with his arms crossed; looking positively murderous. 

Jeff's eyes widen with surprise and taking the opportunity, you use all of your body weight and momentum to shove the fit killer off of you.

In a fraction of a second, BEN has Jeff pinned on the ground underneath him; frayed electric wire slowly surrounding him and Jeff. " You better have a damn good reason for kissing my slave, or else I'll kill you."

Despite feeling extremely relieved that BEN had saved you from being further violated from Jeff, anger ignites in the pit of your stomach; consuming your entire body until you want nothing more than to simply strangle both of the killers.

"IS THAT ALL I AM TO YOU? A F*CKING SLAVE?!" You scream at BEN, not really waiting for an answer before sharply turning your heel and walking out the door. "Wait, don't leave _____!" Jeff calls from underneath BEN, the lust still evident in his eyes.

"Oh, shut up Jeff." You spit out angrily at him before grabbing the closest item you could find, which happens to be a plastic hairbrush, and whipping it at him; hitting him directly in the eye. 

"SH*T" Was the last cry of pain you heard before slamming your front door behind you, thankful that your mum and dad had both found a job or they might have killed the to boys themselves. 

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