Sick at school ( BSM-Zayn)

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Zayn's Point of view: Today is Monday, September 4th,2016 and my little sister Aneesa is going into her first day of high school as a freshman, she told me that she was nervous but I reassured her that she was going to be okay which made her feel much better.

Zayn: Aneesa , time to get up.

Aneesa: For what?

Zayn: For school.

Aneesa: Really?

Zayn: Yes, Aneesa today is the first day of school and you are going into your freshman year of high school.

Aneesa: I am.

Zayn: Yes, now get up and get ready, you don't want to be late on your first day of high school as a freshman.

Aneesa: Okay.

Zayn: I'm taking you to school today.

Aneesa: Okay;cool.

Aneesa's Point of view: Today is Monday and today is my first day of high school, I am 14 years old and a freshman in high school...Last night I was freaking out and I was nervous so I went to my brothers art room and sat on the sofa and talked to him, I thought that I was going to break down in tears but I didn't...Zayn has a way of calming me down and I appreciate it.

Zayn: Are you ready yet?

Aneesa: Kinda.

Zayn: Well, Let's move...I want you to have a nutritious breakfast, so pick up the pace.

Annesa: Okay.

Zayn's Pov: I woke my sister up early so she could have enough time to get ready for school, Deep down inside I know that she is excited but something is telling me that my sister is not feeling well today but then again it can be nerves, I remember being nervous on my first day of high school but it got better during the day.

Zayn continued cooking breakfast for his sister Aneesa and waiting for her to come down stairs with a smile on her face;ready for her first day of freshman year in high school, she was growing up kinda fast.

Aneesa: Hey,Zayn.

Zayn: There you are.

Aneesa: Here I am.

Zayn: You look beautiful.

Aneesa: Thanks.

Zayn: You are very welcome.

Aneesa: I am still a bit nervous.

Zayn: You are going to be okay...I promise.

Aneesa: Okay.

Zayn: Now sit down and eat your breakfast.

Aneesa: Okay.

Zayn: I will make your lunch for school.

Aneesa: Okay, thanks.

Zayn: You are very welcome.

Aneesa: Hey Zee.

Zayn: Yes.

Aneesa: Can I have a smoothie in my lunch?

Zayn: Sure.

Aneesa: Thanks.

Zayn: That's why I bought these at the store.

Aneesa: Cool.

Once Zayn was done making his sister's lunch for school he got in the shower and got cleaned up for the day and dressed while his sister finished her breakfast and when he got back downstairs he noticed that his sister wasn't in the kitchen anymore.

Zayn: Aneesa where are you?

Aneesa: Bathroom.

Zayn: Coming.

Aneesa: Okay.

Zayn walked in the bathroom and saw that his sister was crouched down in front of the toilet and noticed that she had threw up a bit.

Aneesa: Hey.

Zayn: Sis, are you okay?

Aneesa: Zayn I don't know.

Zayn: Hey, it's okay...I am right here.

Aneesa: I just threw up.

Zayn: I can see that.

Aneesa: Do you mind feeling my forehead?

Zayn: No.

Zayn placed his hand on his sister's forehead and felt for a fever.

Aneesa: I feel okay,now.

Zayn: Good, you don't have a fever at all.

Aneesa: Alright.

Zayn: Maybe it's just nerves.

Aneesa: I hope so.

Zayn: How about you brush your teeth and we can get going?

Aneesa: Okay.

Aneesa did what her brother told her to do and finished what was left of her breakfast and grabbed her jacket, backpack and lunch and got in the car with her brother.

The car ride to her school was very quiet and the only noise was the radio and traffic, Zayn was starting to worry about his sister, normally she would be very talkative and asking questions.

Zayn: You alright?

Aneesa: Kinda.

Zayn: Okay...I understand that you are was I but it went away after it got farther into the day.

Aneesa: Okay.

Zayn: You are going to be fine.

Aneesa: Okay.

Zayn and Aneesa finally pulled up in front of the school, she was still kinda scared.

Zayn: Hey.

Aneesa: Zayn.

Zayn: You are going to be alright.

Aneesa: I honestly don't feel to well.

Zayn: Hey, it is going to be alright...i understand that this is a big step for you and I am so proud of about I check on you later and see how you are doing?

Aneesa: Alright.

Zayn: Maybe it would make you feel better.

Aneesa: Okay.

Zayn: Ready to do this?

Aneesa: Yes, I guess.

Zayn: Okay, I am so proud of you; you are growing up so fast...I know that you are going to be alright.

Aneesa: Thanks.

Zayn: You are very welcome.

Aneesa: I love you Zayn.

Zayn: I love you too little sis.

Aneesa: I will see you after school.

Zayn: Okay; I will pick you up here.

Aneesa: Alright.

Zayn: Have a great first day and keep your head up.

Aneesa: Okay, I Promise.

Zayn got out of the car and gave his little sister a hug and a kiss and said goodbye and sat in the car and watched his sister go in the building and waved goodbye to her causing a group of girls to freak out.

Next part coming soon...

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