Sick At School (BSM-Zayn) Part 3

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After Mrs.Gallagher finished going over the syllabus, she passed out another handout titled Let's get to know you, it was a group assignment and it was the perfect way to learn more about people.

Mrs.Gallagher: For this assignment I am going to need  everyone to get in a group of 4 with people you don't know or want to learn more about.

Natalie: How about we be in a group together.

Aneesa: Yeah.

Aneesa,Natalie, Jane and Jarred get in a group together and get to know each other and learn about everyone.

Mrs.Gallagher: Once you are finished with this assignment we are going to share with everyone and I will give you an index card and write down your name, email address and an emergency contact and turn that in to me.

Once Mrs.Gallagher finished explaining what was to be done here phone ranged again and she went in the hallway to answer the call after she got another teacher to watch her class while she was in the hall.

Mrs.Gallagher: Mary.

Mary: Yes, Maura.

Maura: Can you please keep an eye on my students.

Mary: Why?

Maura: Well,because my phone is ringing and I have to answer, otherwise who ever is calling will keep calling until I answer.

Mary: Alright.

Maura: Thanks.

Mary: You are very welcome.

Phone Conversation

Maura: Hello.

Niall: Hey,mum.

Maura: Sweetie, what is the matter?

Niall: Mum.

Maura: Why are you crying?

Niall: Because.

Maura: Because what?

Niall: Because, I-I Th-threw U-up.

Maura: You what?

Niall: I threw up.

Maura: Calm down baby,I can't hear you when you are in tears.

Niall: Okay.

Niall takes deep breaths and tries to calm down so he could sound better and so his mom could hear him.

Maura: Sweetheart, are you calm?

Niall: Yes.

Maura: Good, now what did you say?

Niall: I threw up.

Maura: Really?

Niall: Yes, I threw up 3 times.

Maura: Just now.

Niall: Yes.

Maura: Did you make it to the bathroom?

Niall: No, not the first 2 times I threw up.

Maura: Oh my goodness.

Niall: I did make it to the bathroom, the 3rd time I threw up.

Maura: That's good.

Niall: I'm so sorry about the carpet.

Maura: Its okay,I'm not mad.

Niall: Are you sure?

Maura: Yes, now go lay down right now.

Niall: Okay.

Maura: Feel free to call Zara if you need to.

Niall: Okay.

Maura: I have to get back to work.

Niall: Okay.

Maura: I'll see you when I get home from work, okay.

Niall: Okay.

Maura: I love you.

Niall: I love you too.

Maura: Bye.

Niall: Bye.

End of phone conversation....

Maura: Thank you so much,Mary.

Mary: No problem.

Maura apologizes for what happened and finished teaching her English class and dismisses the class after the bell rings letting them know that class was over.

Aneesa: I feel bad all of a sudden.

Jane: I am so sorry.

Aneesa: I really hope that I am not sick with the stomach bug.

Jane: I hope so too.

Aneesa: Yeah.

Going to write another  part...

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