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Hey guys! How are you doing?
I wanted to dedicate this chapter to Fatima @fatimaa- because she made this awesome cover for the book. I'm in love with it. Thank you very much.

Anyway hope you enjoy this chapter, have a good day/night!


I yawned and set up as I hit the snooze bottom on my alarm, I had a minor conversation with myself whether or not to go back to sleep, I decided not to. I got up and entered the bathroom. I took a quick shower then I headed back to my room.

I wore some comfortable and warm clothes before walking to the kitchen. I greeted my mom and planted a kiss on her cheek. I took my cup of coffee and set next to her in the living room.

"How's work?" She asked.

"Pretty good." I smiled and she nodded. We chatted some more before I went off to work.

I arrived at the diner a few minutes late but nobody cared since there were only few customers there. I changed into my uniform and continued on with my routine.

The day went on peacefully and when the time of closing came, I was the first out of the door.

Ryan parked in front of the diner, I jogged to the car and got in.

"Hello, Ryan" I smiled at him and he smiled back.

"Hi, Christine." He replied. He drove in silence while I sat back and watched as the streets go by. 

The weather presenter said it is going to snow tonight which I'm hoping for. I wonder how Mathew feels about the snow?

Ryan parked in the driveway and got out to open the door for me. He helped me out and I thanked him before heading to Mathew's front door. I knocked softly on the door and waited for him to open it.

After a few moments he opened the door. He looked tired and stressed.

"Are you okay, Mathew?" I asked, I frowned in concern.

"Yeah, something bad happened at work but we solved it out." He sighed and I nodded. He stepped aside to let me in and I gladly walked inside, it was freezing outside.

"You should consider a vacation" I heard someone and I quickly looked to my side to see Max.

"Max!" I smiled.

"Hey, Chris!" He grinned back.

We chatted some more before I went to the kitchen and they went to Mathew's office to discuss some work.

As I was cooking, Max came in.

"I'm going now, Chris. Take care of him." He said and I nodded. We bid our goodbyes and he walked out of the door.

I decided to make some green tea for Mathew and I. Hopefully, it will calm him a little.

I walked out of the kitchen, holding a tray with two mugs on it. I took the stairs to Mathew's office and I knocked softly on the door.

"Come in." I heard him say.

I slowly opened the door and walked inside. I frowned when I saw him. Piles of papers where sitting on his desk, there were binders and folders everywhere. He looked tired and sleepy. His hair was all over the place, probably because he ran his hand through his hair too many times. There were also a glass of whiskey on his desk and he reached for it and took a sip.

"I brought green tea." I said, I placed a mug in front of him and I took a seat on the couch.

"You need rest." I whispered.

"I can't rest. I have to finish what I'm working on." He said and ran his hand through his brown locks.

"Whatever you're working on can wait. Your health is more important." I answered and he sighed.

"Come on, I'll tell you a bed time story." I joked.

He exhaled and ran his hand over his face before nodding at me. He stood up and walked away from the desk. He walked out of the door and I followed him to his bedroom. He plopped down on the bed with a sigh. He was too tired to take off his suit so he just laid down while still wearing it.

I shook my head slowly and went over him to take off his tie or at least to loosen it up.

I looked down at him and smiled, his eyes were closed and I could see his long lashes. He frowned slightly when he felt my hands around my neck.

"That's your plan to kill while I'm sleeping?" He whispered and I chuckled lightly.

I untied his tie and slowly took it off. After I successfully manged to do so, I placed it on the night stand.

"Thank you." I heard him whisper.

"No need to thank me, that's my job." I smiled, although he couldn't see me because his eyes were closed.

"No..you're job is to cook not to take care of me so thank you for that." He whispered.

"You're welcome." I said and left his room.

My heart was pounding and I didn't know why, was it because I was too close to Mathew before? Or was it because he thanked me? But either way I shouldn't feel this way, I shouldn't feel this excited. I shook my head to get this weird thoughts out of mind and I went back to Mathew's office.

I collected the mugs and the cups that were all around his office. I went back to the kitchen and I washed them then placed them in their place. I continued on cooking and preparing snacks for him. I did my best to make sure he doesn't have to do much after I leave. I didn't want to add on his work.

While I was working, I have realised that it was snowing outside. It was snowing heavily and I frowned, the weather looks too bad. I don't think Ryan would be able to come back here and drive me home and then go back to his own place.

I sighed and walked to the living room to switch on the TV, maybe I'll find some good news.

"It looks like the snow won't stop any time soon. We advice the audience to stay put in their houses......" The weather presenter said and I face palmed.

Great, now I'm stuck here.

What should I do?

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