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"Brown eyes are hypnotising." That's what I read on facebook the other day and it made instantly think of Mathew and his big brown eyes. They sparkled when he laughed or smiled, they would get darker when he got angry about work or his step mother. They were like rivers of chocolate and I was swimming in them. Everytime I looked, I would get lost in them, in the secrets and emotions they held. I would freeze in my place when he stared at me intensely.

"Christine." Mom waved a hand in front of my face and I shook my head and looked at her.

"Yes, mom?" I asked.

"You wanted to tell me something." She answered.

"Oh, yeah!" I smiled sheepishly.

"Mom, Leia Mathew's aunt invited me over for thanksgiving dinner and I want to go, would you feel okay here on your own?" I asked, I felt guilty that I wanted to go.

"Of course I'll be fine! You go have fun, we will celebrate the next day." She said and I smiled widely at her, I wrapped my hands around her and hugged her tightly.

"Thank you." I said as I pulled away. I guess I know what should I tell Mathew tonight. The thought of going to his house made butterflies explode in my stomach. Why do I feel like this? I didn't feel like this last time. I knew Mathew was attractive, everybody knew but now I found him handsome, irresistible. Everything about him seems to get ten times better this days and it's frightening me a lot.

I went back to my room to get ready, I quickly took a shower and then blow dried my hair. I wore some jeans and a sweater over it. I took my jacket and bag and headed back to the living room.

"Mom, I'm going out." I yelled as I exited the door and I heard her say goodbye back.

As soon as I was out of the apartment building, I felt the cold, crisp air of November. I could hear the sound of my boots hitting the snow as I walk and I sighed in content. I was meeting Ryan in the main street since the parking lot of our building is locked because of the snow. I saw his black car and smiled as I hopped in.

"Hello, Ryan." I smiled.

"Hey, Christine." He turned his head to look at me and smiled lightly. He started the engine and drove off. The car ride was silent like always with me humming to the songs on the radio.

"Do you like the snow, Ryan?" I asked.

"Nope, it's hard to drive in it." He answered and I nodded.

"You?" He asked as he took a right to the next street.

"I love it." I answered and he nodded. The rest of the drive was silent and comfortable. Ryan parked in front of Mathew's house, he got up and opened the door for me. I thanked him and headed to the front door. I knocked softly and waited for him to open it.

"Hello, Christine." He said.

"Hello, Mathew." I smiled. He stepped aside and I walked inside, I took off my coat and hanged on the hanger. We walked to the kitche and he took a seat on the stool, I wore my apron and tided tightly around my waist. 

"Have you thought about Leia's invitation?" He asked.

"Yes, I'll go." I answered and he grinned widely.

"Great!" He said and I chuckled.

"Excited much?" I smirked as I place the pan on the stove. 

"So much." He winked and I laughed. His winks makes my knees weak. Everytime he winks at me, I feel a little bit dizzy. He excused himself and went up to his office. I wonder what goes on in that room, he goes up every time I'm here and doesn't come down until it's late or before I leave. Does he spend all this time working? but why? He doesn't need the money. He could take a break anytime he wants yet he still works, he could probably retire now and he would still have money to live another lifetime. He's a hard worker I'll gave him that, but if he keep working like that , he will end up alone and he doesn't seem close with anyone else but Max and maybe Ryan. 

I washed the dishes and placed them where they belong, I prepared Mathew his dinner and put the other food in containers and in the fridge. Mathew came after two hours, he looked exhausted, he was rubbing his eye while coming down the stairs. He yawned as he set on the stool, he smiled lazily at me. 

"Smells good." He said, his voice was raspy and husky like he just woke up.

"Were you asleep?" I asked.

"I fell asleep on the desk." He rubbed his neck and I frowned.

"You should get some rest." I said.

"No, I am fine." He said and I frowned again.

"Why do you work so much anyway?" The question that has been bugging me since we met is out.

"I...It's because.." He sighed and ran his hand through his hair. He looked hesitant, unsure of what to say.

"You don't have to tell me if you don't want to." I said as I took a seat in front of him. I felt hurt that he didn't trust me to tell me right away what's bothering him. But I didn't want pry or force him to say something he doesn't want to say.

"To distract myself, to distract myself from my family and sister." He said. I furrowed my eyebrows in confusion. I never knew he had a sister. Is she as bad as Lisa and he's trying to avoid her?

He inhaled a deeply before saying: "She's dead, she died two years ago of an overdose." I frowned and quickly reached over to hold his hand, I squeezed it tightly.

"You don't have to continue." I whispered and he shook his head.

"She killed herself because she couldn't take Lisa's bullshit anymore, after mom's death she became depressed and then dad married Lisa." He pinched his nose with his other hand and looked then up back at me. " Lisa wanted a picture perfect family, she pressured Hailey to lose weight, study more, she even arranged her marriage to some jerk. She started using when it got too much, she found escape in those stuff until one day..." He gulped. " She overdosed." 

"It was suicide but to people it was an accident, Lisa didn't want the people to think we're mental. And she comes to my house and act as if nothing happened, my dad also acts like nothing happened, like mom and Hailey were never here. " At the end of his story a tear manged to fall down from his eye. I rested my hand on his cheek and wiped it away with my thumb. He looked broken, tired and sick of everything around him.

"I'm only alive because of Max and Leia." He whispered. He looked me in the eyes, you could see tears forming in those pretty brown eyes of his. They were too pretty to look this broken. I never imagined someone like him actually having these kind of problems and in that moment, I have realised that me and him have more things in common than meets the eye.  

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