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I have realised that I have been writing Mathew wrong this whole time, it's supposed to be with double T. I know I'm sorry. I will fix it when I go back to edit the story. so bare with me :) Thank You.


She is driving me absolutely crazy with her breathtaking smile, her strawberry scent and her soft, smooth skin. Her wide brown eyes that are always twinkling, her cheeks that are always rosy,her small hands that I can still feel pressed on my cheek. Her dimples, her brown wavy hair. Her clumsiness, her kindness, her patience with other, her hard working mind that never fails to amaze me. Everything about her is driving me crazy- in a good way. I just want to grab her and hold her and kiss the crap out of her. Her lips are mocking me everytime she smiles. Every time I remember that I was so close to kissing her three times before, I get frustrated. Maybe it's a sign that I shouldn't kiss her but I'm going to ignore it if it is. I am too attached to her, she makes me happy, happier than I have ever been these past few years. I'm not going to let her go no matter what, no matter what Lisa says, no matter what my father thinks. She's too precious to me to simply let her go.

The relief I felt when she didn't go after I told her my complicated family problems. She sat in front of me holding me hand. She didn't look at me pitifully, her eyes told me that she understood, she looked at me with love and warmth.

I leaned back on my chair, the sound of the rain hitting my ear as it hit the windows. I was in my office in my company building. People are coming and going, asking me about work and wanting my signture on papers. Everything pass by as a blur. At the end of the day, I was tired and I could use a nap. I walked out of my office and dropped some papers on the secretary's desk. I told her good night and headed out. I entered the car and Ryan started the engine. He glanced at me through the rear view mirror then back at the road.

"Are you okay, Mathew?" He asked.

"Yeah, just tired." I said and he nodded. I closed my eyes for a second and I couldn't help but picture Christine next to me in the car. She was holding my hand, she smiled brightly at me as she talked about her day in the diner. I shook my head and sighed. 

Get a grib, Mathew. 

Thoughts of her consumed me, it was getting harder and harder every minute to get rid of my feelings for her. I was scared to jump into a relationship with her and ruin everything we have. Whatever it was, it is percious to me. I love being with her, her company. She can make me feel better in a matter of seconds and no body has done that in a while. I could sit with her in complete silence and she would still make me feel better. It is something about her vibe, the way she carelessly laugh and smile like there is nothing in the world that could hurt her. But I knew better, she had told me about her mother and I saw how broken she looked while talking about it. As happy as she may seem, I knew behind those beautiful smiles, there is a broken little girl with the weight of the world on her shoulders. I have noticed that she nevers talks about her father and she rarely talks about school and collage. I knew that those are sore subjects for her, and it pains me not knowing why she doesn't talk about them. I wanted to help her like she helped me. She might have said nothing but she was there, she listened and understood, she eased up my pain by holding my hand and just being there. 

"Mathew, we are here." I heard Ryan speak, I looked at him for a second before nodding.

"Thank you, see you later." I said as I opened the door. I have told Ryan to stop opening the door for me, it made me feel uncomfortable. 

Ryan drove off and I went inside my house. Then I went straight to my room and I took off my coat and hanged in the closet where it belongs. I took off my shoes and left them laying beside the bed. I unbottom the suit jacket and threw it on the bed. I sighed and plopped down on the bed as well. My phone ringtone caught me off guard, I set up and answered it. 

"Yes?" I asked.

"Is that a way to greet your aunt?" Aunt's Leia voice filled my ear and I chuckled softly. I didn't look at the caller's ID when I answered.

"Hello, Leia." I rolled my eyes playfully although she can't see me.

"Hi, Mathew." I could imagine her smiling.

"Are you coming tomorrow?" She asked.

"Yes, Christine and I will be there on time." I replied. 

"If you say so." She said. I am usually late to family gatherings, I avoid it as much as I can but since my father and Lisa won't be attending, I will be there on time. Besides, I have a guest with me so I have to behave my best. 

"I can't wait to see you and Christine." She squealed excitingly and I chuckled. Leia loved Christine the first time she saw her. She liked her food so much as well. 

  "Great cook and beautiful lady, you better put a ring on it before I do." She had said and winked at me. I laughed at her. 

We talked a little bit more about Christine and Max until I bid my goodbye. I put the phone on night stand and contiuned to take off my clothings. I hanged everything in its place and put the dirty laundry in the washing machine before I decided to take a quick shower. I showered  and wore my gray sweat pants, I decided to turn up the heat in the house a little bit more and walk around without a shirt. 

I headed to the kitchen and smiled as I opened the fridge. It was filled with food that Christine has made, she oraginsed them neatly and nicely in the fridge. I decided to eat some leftover paste, I heated it up in the microwave and ate it. After that, I washed my plate and went back to my room. I plopped on the bed and closed my eyes. 

I fell asleep to the sound of rain and Christine's beautiful smile in my mind.

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