Chapter 13

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(Currently binge watching all of Dans videos. At 10pm. Wish me luck😂 it is now 9 days later and I'm editing this chapter, update, I have watched every video on Danisnotonfire and Danisnotinteresting, less amazing phil and I'm halfway through all the videos on danandphilgames, next I'm going on to amazingphil)

*Dan's POV*
MY MUM IS GOING TO BE HERE IN 5 MINUTES. WHERE IS Y/N? I was freaking out, when I heard a knock on the door, I panicked more thinking it was my mum. I opened it to see y/n, she looked beautiful.
"Oh thank god your here, I've been freaking out. You look.... incredible" she blushed at my comment as she walked in
"Thanks. Calm down it will be fine" she said so calmly while sitting on the sofa and looking around "Dan?"
"Yeah?" I had calmed down slightly since y/n had arrived
"Where has all the colourful nerdy things gone?" I had moved them so my mother couldn't see them
"They are hid in the wardrobe in my room, my mother HATES them" she laughed and the doorbell went off "oh god she's here, SHES HERE"
"Yes now go open the door" I went to the door and was greeted by my mother
"Daniel, how... lovely to see you"
"Hello mother, please come inside. There is somebody I want you to meet" she looked at me suspiciously as she walked through the door and into the living room
"Hi, it's lovely to meet you, I'm y/n" y/n was stood up smiling holding her hand out for my mother to shake it. Surprisingly my mother shook it, although she looked slightly angry "hello y/n I'm Daniels mother" I could see y/n trying not to laugh at the use of Daniel as she and my mother sat down
"Mother, would you like a drink?"
"Thank you Daniel, I will have a water" I nodded and began to walk out the room "Daniel, it is rude to not offer y/n a drink" she was staring at me and y/n looked terrified
"Sorry mother, y/n would you like a drink"
"I will have a water also, thank you Daniel" y/n subtlety winked at me when saying my full name trying not to laugh.

*time skip*

My mother had spent most of the day talking to y/n about her life and what she majors in at university. My mother was clearly upset or angry to hear about y/n's family life.
"So Daniel, y/n how long have you been dating" wow mother how blunt
"Uh actually we started dating yesterday although we have been friends for many months" I answered, my mother clearly hated that we had only just started dating.
"Well that is........ great" my mother obviously did not think that as I could tell from the face she made "well I should be getting off, your father will be home at 6 and I need to prepare his dinner." We all stood up and walked towards the door "Daniel I shall return soon and expect to hear about your exams next week and it was lovely to meet you y/n I hope to see more of you"
"Bye mother, have a safe trip home" I shut the door after my mother had left and sighed very loudly.
"She wasn't that bad" y/n said walking to get a drink of coffee
"You have never had to live with her. She was being good today" I said joining her.
"Okay, well coffee?"
"You are literally holding a cup of coffee in your hand"
"Oh yeah"
"You have an addiction, you should get help" we both laughed at my joke
"I tried to stop drinking it. I CANT DAN STOP TRYING TO CHANGE ME" y/n was talking with sarcasm laced in her voice
"I wouldn't change anything about you, I'm just trying to help you. Maybe if you drank less coffee you would be able to sit without your leg constantly shaking"
"If I stop drinking so much coffee, you have to stop with me" y/n was drinking her coffee while saying this
"Okay sure, so we can have ONE more coffee today"
"ONE?" Y/n sounded so sad
"Yes. How about we make it so we can only have 3 a day?"
"Seriously Dan? I can drink three coffees in under an hour"
"Yes seriously. You can do this" I pulled y/n into a hug as she sighed
"Fine" she looked so beautiful.
"You do look really good today" I said really randomly
"Thanks Dan"
"I mean it, you look absolutely gorgeous" she began to blush and looked up to me
"SHIT, WE HAVE EXAMS SOON! I NEED TO GO REVISE." Y/n quickly ran out of the kitchen towards the door
"You going to run off without saying bye?" I said calmly walking up behind her and hugging her from behind as she was about to leave the apartment,
"Sorry, I freaked about the exams, I'll see you later okay"
I leant down and kissed y/n gently
"Okay goodbye"
"Byeeeeeee Daniel" she ran out the apartment laughing.

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