Chapter 6

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(A/n this chapter may be triggering to people with family problems, I'm sorry if it's true but it is just for the story line of this story, it gets deep, shit happens)
*y/n pov*
I woke up the next morning with my alarm.
"Great, a day of shit" I mumbled to myself before dragging myself out of bed to get dressed and put on some basic makeup before grabbing my bag before messaging Dan
Hey hobbit hair, you ready for the longest drive through the most boring place? Green juice xxx
I grew up in a tiny village in the middle of nowhere that didn't get an internet connection or much of anything at all, the majority of the people there were old or in their mid thirties, I knew all of the kids, it is where I met Phil, there was around 20 in the whole village including me and my brother. Leaving was the strangest thing as I moved to such a busy city and going back is so boring which is why I don't do it often, the only reason I go there is for my brother.
Yeah sure meet me downstairs in 5. Hobbit hair xx
I snap out of my daydream of my childhood and walk out of my apartment towards Dan who was stood leaning against his car
"Hey green juice, how you feeling ?" He came over and hugged me making me feel better already
"Hey hobbit hair, good I guess, just want to get this over with" I sighed and climbed in his car and he threw me the aux cable to play music, I plugged it in to my phone and put on my playlist that consisted of mcr, tøp, panic! At the disco, fall out boy and Melanie Martinez. I pressed shuffle and the first song to come on was mcr welcome to the black parade
"Wow are you trying to kill me?" Dan asked as the first 4 notes were sang
"Sorry I just pressed shuffle" I laughed at him grabbing his heart, I typed in the address to my childhood home to his gps so he knew where to go and began singing along to the song.
We drove through the busy streets of London and off into the boring fields where nothing interesting happened.
We were about half an hour into the drive when this is gospel came on
"IF YOU LOVE ME LET ME GOOOOOOOOO" me and Dan screamed when it got to the chorus
"THE FEAR OF FALLING APART" we continued to sing the whole song and at the end we just looked at each other and laughed, the next song was sippy cup by Melanie Martinez and I continued to sing that song and every song that came after it, this was my favourite playlist.
Half way through the ride we decided to get some food since neither of us had breakfast and it was almost mid day.
"So where do you want to go for some FOOD?" Dan said pulling into 'the home of all good food' or a gas station with all of the best fast food places
"Urmmmmm how about (favourite fast food place)?"I answered
"YASSS" Dan said making us both laugh, after we got our food we ate it in about 5 minutes and got back into the car
"And begins the most boring part of the journey, with nothing but empty fields for as far as you can see" I giggled getting into the passenger seat
"Well I'm sure with you it won't be boring" Dan said before looking petrified and blushed "did I just say that aloud?"
"Yeah, you did" I laughed as he face palmed and blushed,
The rest of the ride was only full of the car radio (a/n I legit said ayeeeee aloud while writing this because you know I'm tøp trash)
As we got to the village all the streets were still empty, the town looked abandoned, apart from the occasional look from out a window to see who the hell was driving into this village, as we got to my street memories of my dad came rushing back and I felt tears in my eyes as I thought of them and what he did yesterday
"Y/N" Dan shouted pulling you out of your mind "hey are you okay?" I nodded but Dan clearly didn't believe you as he pulled you into his chest as you tried to get rid of your tears so your mum and brother wouldn't see me cry
"It just memories of my dad" I said as he pulled away "well let's get this over with" I opened the car door and began to get some of the bags as Dan did the same and we walked up to the door
"MUM! I'm home!" I shouted and heard my mum walk towards the door
"Hey honey" she said and hugged me "and you must be Daniel, it is nice to meet you" she pulled him into a hug
"Yeah, it's nice to meet you too, please call me Dan" he said so calmly
"Well let me show you to your room" I said taking Dans hand and dragging him to the spare room "I'll let you put your stuff away while I go see Lucas" and with that I walked out of the room, my bedroom door was open so I threw my bag in and went to my brothers room "hey" he sat up as he saw me a smile appearing on his face
"Hey your home" he said as I hugged him tight
"Yeah, I am, back in this empty village again, I'm sorry I wasn't here for you! How are you?"
"I'm alright I guess, much better now, he's gone"
"Good when mum told me what he did I could have killed him" I was starting to get angry
"Y/n please I know it's bad but he's gone we're okay, we're going to be okay" he calmed me with his words, he was always good at doing that.
"So how did he try to do it? Mum wouldn't tell me, guess she could tell I was already so angry"
"It doesn't matter y/n" he said clearly not wanting me to find and kill him
"Please, Lucas tell me, I won't get too angry"
"Alright, but you best not get angry, well he went out after work and I guess he drank a lot and took some drugs, and when he got home I could smell the alcohol on his breath and I mentioned his promise to you about not drinking or doing drugs again and he got angry with me, He threw me to the floor and called me disrespectful and a waste of space like you, and I told him to leave me the fuck alone and get himself help but before I could move he pulled a knife off the counter and held it to my throat, but moved it to my stomach and did this before the police arrived I guess mum called them, they took me to the hospital and stitched me up and when we got home dad was in prison" as he said 'this' he life's up his top to show me a giant cut across his stomach I felt anger rise in me but couldn't break another promise for him, so I calmed myself before pulling him into the biggest hug ever
"I can't believe he did that, and mum didn't try to stop him?"
"I don't know when he was holding me down I zoned out, my head had hit the floor, I couldn't see or hear much" he had tears rolling down his cheeks
"It's okay, he's gone now, none of us will ever have to see him again, try and get some rest" I laid down next to him for awhile until I saw he was asleep I then got up and went to my room to unpack my things, I went over to Dans room and knocked on the door
"Come in" I heard him say as I opened the door he stood up and pulled me to him and hugged me tight "how is he?" He asked
"He's okay, I think, but here's something about what he said that doesn't make sense, my mum would make sure that instead of hurting one of us he hurt her, but she didn't do anything" I felt a tear roll down my cheek as Dan wiped it away
"Maybe she was too scared?"
"No she would have stopped him, unless... I'll be back soon" I walked out of the room and down to my mother in the living room
"ARE YOU BEING FUCKING SERIOUS?" I knew it my mum would never let my dad hurt us if she was sober
"Y/n" she was so drunk she could barely say my name
"AFTER WHAT HAPPENED YESTERDAY ARE YOU FUCKING SERIOUS? I THOUGHT THAT MAYBE AT LEAST ONE OF OUR PARENTS COULD HANDLE NOT BEING A COMPLETE FUCK UP FOR A MONTH" she was shocked, my mum had an alcohol problem when I was 1 before Lucas was born but she hasn't drank since.
She didn't say anything she just sat there looking at me I heard movement behind me and knew it was Dan
"HE ALMOST DIED, BECAUSE OUR FUCK UP OF A FATHER WAS DRUNK AND HIGH, YOU DIDN'T DO ANYTHING TO HELP HIM BECAUSE YOU WERE ALSO DRUNK AND YOU ARE AGAIN NOW, FUCK MUM ITS NOT EVEN 4PM YET AND YOU ARE DRUNK, IS IT ANY WONDER WHY I WANTED TO LEAVE SO BADLY WITH YOU TWO AS PARENTS" I felt Dan get closer to me but didn't turn to look at him I heard someone struggling on the stairs but before I could help Dan ran to help Lucas and sat him on the sofa on the other side of the room
"Really mum? Why would you do this?" He sounded so sad, but I was so angry at my mother that I grabbed mine Dans and Lucas' coats and bags of clothes and threw Dan his car keys before helping Lucas to the car
"Where are we going?" He asked as I did
"Far away from HER, from this house, FROM THIS SHITHOLE OF A VILLAGE" I was so angry I turned and my mum standing in the doorway
"Y/n I'm so sorry but I couldn't handle it" she was bleeding, a lot, and she fell to the floor
"MUM, MUM, DAN CALL AN AMBULANCE, MUM WHAT HAVE YOU DONE?" I looked into the house and saw a knife covered in blood on the floor "WHY? WHY DID YOU DO THIS?" I heard a car door open and Lucas fell to his knees next to me
"MUM WAKE UP" he was crying "MUMMY PLEASE DON'T LEAVE" Dan put him back in the car and locked the doors, I tried to stop the bleeding while Dan tried to keep her awake, I heard the ambulance arriving and sighed "COME ON MUM, WAKE THE FUCK UP, YOU CANT LEAVE NOT NOW" people had started to gather around to see what was happening when the ambulance pulled up the paramedics rushed to my mother and Dan pulled me away from her so they could take her to the hospital, I cried into Dans chest and went to the car "y/n" I turned around to Lucas who looked traumatised and his cheeks were stained with tears "it's okay Lucas, it's going to be okay, they'll save her" I held his hand as Dan started the car and followed the ambulance to the hospital keeping one hand on the wheel and the other on my leg as we drove. I knew what would happen when we arrived, I knew what would happen to my family, I knew what would happen to Lucas. I knew it would be bad, I knew she'd die, she killed herself because of that prick I call a father and what he did to my family.

(A/n okay so that was a long chapter, I had been planning this part since I started writing this, I also have the next chapter and a chapter later on planned)

Hobbit hair (danxreader)Where stories live. Discover now