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5:35 am

jennie: ayoung!¡!!

ayoung: u aren’t going to ask me a favor, are u?

jennie: look it’s not that big

ayoung: it’s too early for a favor huh

ayoung: how big then?¿ (͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

jennie: oh you’re going like that again!¡

ayoung: can’t help it if it is u (͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

jennie: going back to the topic

ayoung: i know it’s about taeyong ur luv

jennie is typing…

jennie: how did u knoe?¿???

ayoung: r u srs? u r asking me¡?

jennie: uhm well i think i knew the answer already

ayoung: so what r u going to ask?

jennie: u knoe it olreadyy

jennie: oh i forgot to say thanks about last time

ayoung: ok. got it.

ayoung: can’t help it

ayoung: we’re friends after all

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