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12:25 pm

taeyong: do you know yuta?

taeyong: i saw you eating lunch with him

taeyong: oh maybe i was only mistaken

jennie: yes u’re ryt!¡!! it is me! oh my u actually distinguished meee but how¿!

taeyong: ehem it’s because of your profile picture :/

jennie: i didnt realize that haha¡!!

jennie: how are u¿??

jennie: make sure to clean ur wounds again and change the band aids

taeyong: that’s what i am currently doing

jennie: i knoe¡!1!!

taeyong: wait where are you? i’ll check

taeyong: there is no one around the door of our classroom

jennie: ofc u will not see me

jennie: i am good at hiding¡!!

jennie: u’re funny stop on roaming around¡!! u’ll not see me anyways

jennie: i am at our classroom :)

taeyong: then how?

taeyong: are you that fast on running and hiding?

jennie: u havent asked but i am the fastest runner in our class when i was on grade 6!?¿

jennie: and hide and seek is my game¡!!

taeyong: oh you are boasting how good you are on running and hiding

jennie: but i aint good on hiding my feelings for u | backspace

taeyong: but you didnt answer my question

jennie: what question?¿?? omg are u going to ask me if u can court me¿??

jennie: just kidding

taeyong: do you know yuta?

jennie is typing…

jennie: uhmm yes he is my childhood friend¡!! why¿??

taeyong: nothing

lee taeyong logged out

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