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10:26 pm

yuta: jennie

jennie: i bet it is about taeyong dating nahyun¿?¡

jennie: i saw it olready

yuta: u okay?

jennie: i guess so¿?!!!¡

jennie: why would i be okay¿! :'---(

jennie: nahyun is my seatmate!!!!

jennie: yet she hasnt told me anything¡!!!¿

jennie: i have been chatting taeyong but he hasnt told me anything too!

yuta: just give up on taeyong, jennie

yuta: you’re just wasting your time

jennie: maybe it is time to move on ؛u؛

yuta: why? was there something that went between the two of you for you to move on?

jennie: ok break my heart again

jennie: i’ll punch u real hard next time i see u

yuta: just accept the fact that taeyong isnt going to like you

yuta: i know his type

jennie: and u knoe my type too¡!¡”!

yuta: let’s just video chat

yuta: im lazy to type anymore

jennie: noOo¡!0

✔ seen 10:35

10:37 pm

yuta: why?

jennie: i dont want u to see my face¡!¿

yuta: oh! did you cry?

✔ seen 10:38 pm

yuta: bingo! i knew it

yuta: you can tell me your sentiments

yuta: i’ll not make fun of you crying

jennie: u say so


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