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Yuri POV

I still can believe he said that. "It's nice to know you have this Eros within you. You know you're really good at seducing people, or me at least." The fuck?!? What does he mean by that?! I've grown to realize that I love this guy....even though it's only been a day...but there's no limits to love right? It's just that I don't know if he feels the same way. He's held my hand and hugged me, but what if he meant it in a friend way? I don't know what to do anymore. I've never been good about love or even been in a relationship. Hell, I didn't even know I was bi till last year. I'm full on gay for victor though, and I know that. I walked into the school, greeting Pitchit then heading into first period.

Tiiiiiiiiime skip fuckos

Victor POV

School went by painfully slow. I had come up with a plan to ask Yuri out for coffee, maybe as a date. I just pray that he says yes. Rejection is not a nice thing. Right now I'm sitting outside the school under one of the cherry blossoms waiting for Yuri. I saw him come out of the school and immediately stood up waving and calling his name. "Yuri!" He saw me and headed toward me. "Hi Victor!" He said with a smile. Damn I love his smile....for like the 1,000th time, how cute. "Wanna get some coffee?" I asked anxious to hear his response. "Victor Nikiforov, are you asking me on a date?" He said gasping playfully while putting his hand to his chest. "And if I was?" I said with a smirk while putting my arm around his shoulders. I guess he didn't expect that answer since his face blushed a dark red. "M-my answer would b-be y-yes." He said blushing then covering his face with his hands obviously flustered. I chuckled at his response, a light blush crossing my cheeks. I can't believe he actually said yes. I grabbed his hands and took them away from his face. "Then let's get going." I said while standing in front of him, still holding his hands with a smile. He smiled at me and nodded. I then let go of one of his hands, still holding the other one, and started walking. While we were walking I glanced at Yuri. He was looking around, his eyes sparkling. His raven hair flowed gently in the wind. A soft smile on his lips. He looked so beautiful and happy. Was it because I asked him out....does he feel the same way? Wait, what am I saying. He said yes to going on a date with me. I doubt he would say that just so it wouldn't be awkward, that just isn't him. I don't want to rush things, so I'll wait for the perfect time to ask him.

We entered the cafe, fingers locked together, and sat opposite from each other. We looked through the menu, not sure what to order. "What should I get?" Yuri asked setting down the menu. " about we get some coffees and a coffee cake to share." "Okay!" he said with a smile and a giggle.

We talked while we waited for our drinks. I learned that his favorite food was katsudon, his favorite color is blue, and that he has been ice skating since he was about six. I've personally been skating since I was five, but I'm older than him so that gives me more experience. Also, I've been thinking about inviting him over to my house and making him katsudon. My parents are rarely home due to work, so I wouldn't have to worry about that.

I was snapped out of my thoughts as the waitress set our coffees and cake on the table. I thanked her and so did Yuri before she walked away. I looked down at the cake, there was only one fork. I looked up for the waiter. When I caught her eye she smirked and winked, gesturing her head towards Yuri. I smiled and gave a slight nod to her. She smiled then went back to whatever she was doing.

I looked back at Yuri. He was taking a sip of his coffee, his eyes closing in the process. I waited till he opened his eyes to tell him about the fork problem. "She only gave us one fork. I guess we have to share!" I said with a smile. He looked at me with a pink blush across his face. "Oh...okay." He said with an embarrassed smile. I took a piece of cake and tried it. Hey, that's pretty good. (idubbz references) I got another piece and looked up at Yuri. "Here." I said holding out the fork to him. He leaned over the table a little bit and ate the piece with a smile. After swallowing, he closed his eyes with a smile. "That's actually really good!" He said starting to giggle. "I know right!" I said getting another piece for me, then one for Yuri. He happily ate the cake I fed him, his smile unwavering.

Yuri POV

After eating a piece of cake Victor fed me, I felt a buzz in my pocket. I pulled out my phone to see a text from Pitchit.


You: How do you know I'm on a date?


I looked out the window, and across the street there stood a boy who looked pissed off. Beside him was who I recognized to be Seung-Gil Lee. He was ordering something from some food stand. I started laughing, I just couldn't help it. I saw Victor giving me a weird look. I tried to explain but it came out in a jumble of words. "" I said between laughs. He just got up and came to sit next to me. "What?" He asked starting to laugh with me. I showed him my phone then pointed across the street. He then put one arm around me and leaned over me a bit to wave to the Thai boy. While doing so, he pulled me closer to his chest. I could feel my face heating up. He moved back down, sitting next to me. I felt my phone buzz, so I grabbed it to see what Pitchit had texted me.

HamsterQueen: FUCKING KISS HIM!!!!!

I just blushed and put my phone away. Me and Victor then continued to eat the cake, and started talking.

Bitches I'm back!! This chapters longer than the rest ur welcome. You know that moment when you realize if you double tap the capitalize button it puts it on caps lock. I. HAVE. BEEN. PRESSING. THE. CAPS. BUTTON. EVERY. TIME. FUCK MY LIFE!! Anyway, hope y'all enjoyed the fluff.

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