Making Friends

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Yuri POV

English was pretty boring. The teacher was weird. She was nice one second, then a pain the next. The entire class Pitchit and I just drew things in our textbooks and whispered to each other. By the time the bell rang, we were the first ones out.

After the next period I had history class. The time went by pretty quick since the teacher, who was actually ok, let us pretty much do the same thing Mrs. Lohan did. When we walked out of the class, me and Pitchit said our goodbyes and agreed to meet up at lunch.

I headed toward my history class. Yeah I'm not excited. I haaaaate history. When am I gonna be asked when Texas won their independence. I legit don't give a shit.

I sat in a seat in the back with a sigh. This is gonna suck.

Victor POV

I walked into the history classroom, and immediately noticed the same raven haired boy I had seen earlier sitting in the back. This was my chance. I walked to the back, taking a seat next to him. He looked slightly surprised, but returned the smile I gave him nonetheless.

"Okay class, open your textbooks to page three." The teacher said. Me and the boy sighed at the same time. We looked at each other for a moment before I whispered "You don't like history either, huh?" "Yeees." He said letting his arms sprawl out on the table we were sitting at. I chuckled. He seems cute.

Yuri POV

The silver haired boy I had seen in my previous classes sat next to me. He smiled and I returned it. We both sighed when the teacher told us to turn to page three of our textbooks. We looked at each other, then he asked if I didn't like history either. I said yes while stretching out my arms on the table. He chuckled. I like him. (Not in that way......yet)

After hell was over, me and the silver haired boy walked together out of the classroom. We had been playing tic-tac-toe the entire time. We were heading towards the lunchroom when he said "Oh, by the way my name is Victor." "Oh, well my name is Yuri." I said back with a small smile. Victor had already had a pretty big one in his face, but somehow it got bigger. I blushed. I didn't think that telling him my name would give him that big of a smile.

"So Yuri, who are you gonna be sitting with at lunch?" He asked. "Umm, I'm supposed to be sitting with Pitchit and whoever else sits next to us. "Do you mind if I sit with y'all?" He asked with a smile. "Not at all, the more the merrier!" I said with a giggle and a blush. The fuck is this boy doing to me?!??!

We headed into the lunchroom, got our food, and found Pitchit sitting next to Chris and some black haired guy. Yurio, Yuko, Nishigori, Sara, Emil, and Mickey were there as well. I sat down opposite from Pitchit, Victor sitting next to me.

"Hey Yuri, Victor." Chris said looking
at the both of us. "Hey hoe." I said back. He let out a few laughs then winked. The table erupted into fit of laughter and giggles.

Victor POV

He's so fucking cute, no adorable. Just his giggling puts a smile on my face. Apparently I was staring because Yuri saw me looking at him and blushed.

"Oh, this is Seung-Gil." Pitchit said smiling at the boy. "I ship it." Yuri said, his blush calming down."Yuri!!" Pitchit yelled, his face flushing. "I'm sorry Pitchit, but now you know what it feels like!" Yuri said with a small giggle. This. Boy. Is. Gonna. Kill. Me.

Pitchit 's embarrassed face was replaced with a smirk. "Oh, it's fine. I already have a ship just for you. Name and all." he said. "What is-"ring" the bell went off, cutting Yuri off in the process. Pitchit got up, grabbed Seung-Gil by the arm, and pulled him out of the cafeteria. See ya later Yuri~" he called back with his smirk still plastered on his face. Everyone else from the group got up, said their goodbyes, then left. It was just me and Yuri.

"What's your next class?" I asked. "S-science." Weird. Why is he stuttering all of a sudden? "Oh! Same!" I said happily. Yes! I get to spend more time with him! "C-cool" he said in return. "Come on. Let's go!" I said. We then started to exit the cafeteria. I wanted to hold his hand so bad, but I didn't want to scare him away.

When we got to the science room, we went to the back and sat at a table together.

My dog is high af rn. He's literally on crack. The bitch fucked up my nail polish. We're about to box. Idk if I should put a pic so I won't. Fun fact today I'm pretty sure I bombed a history test that's worth four test grades! Great!
Next chapter's gonna be fun

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