Once, a time was there in my life in which I was tested by my Allah, Test of my patience Test of my anger Test of my Eemaan Test of my Ego
I can remember those days, when I was I think.... in 8th or 9th std, I used to get angry immediately just for a silly things.....lol
But after I got blessed by my Eemaan(that is when my Eemaan elevated),I felt it easy to forgive, forget and even ignore, that time the below thought messages helped me, as I'm a crazy thought message reader.
Khayalaatsepaedahotihae". - Hazrat Ali(r.a) 👇
Suffocations, tension and lameness doesn't comes to you by the situation, but by your way of thinking make it to arrive.
Let's consider an example, If u have fallen down and all the peoples of your surrounding is watching u and some even Laughing at u, u will surely feel guilty and shame and some peoples even used to cry, " What they will think??". But instead of thinking in that way, u can say to yourself "falling is the stepping stone to every success"(girtewahilooghaenjokhadnekisilaahiyatrakhtehaen), and give them a brand smile.
I'm I right???
And now my college friends used to say me, "u r such a cool type personality", but what they know how I was in my past......😋😉😂
Be Happy , if u r tested:
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Don't be sad if u are tested, tested by your sabr in the face of problems coming in your life. Instead be happy with it, because u r such a person whom " the almighty Allah -the lord of the world " has considered as one of the brave person to bear it. - Hazrat Ali(r.a)
Why me????
I too used to say like usually most peoples used to say,
Why me Allah, why me always??? Why u always make the things complicated for me, Y?
And he replied, guess what?!?!?!
"Because I love you💘.
And, I want your status to be get elevated in this and hereafter dunya(the Jannat), because of ur sabr."