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Whom u r????
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👆 the flower of heart blossoms when u constantly pour zikr on its root, not by filling it with revenge and cruelty.
An incident:
Once ,when some peoples were sitting near the prophet(s.a.w) to hear the sermon in the masjid.
The prophet(s.a.w) showed a man and said "he is a jannati(heavenist)". One of the sahaba was eager to know what he has done that he is declared in this dunya itself as heavenist. So he followed him back to back without saying anything. And then when the man reached his home, the sahaba asked his permission to stay in his home just for 2 or 3 days, actually he wanna to stay with him to know about his deeds.
" Which deed let him to achieve that position".
So he permitted him.
Two,, three days gone and he noticed nothing special act in him, as ordinary he use to pray namaz, and follow other pillars of Islam like other sahabas do.
So, he(the Sahaba) one day said the man directly, the purpose of his coming and he asked him,
" Tell me your special positive point or that special act by keeping which u can say that you shall be permitted to enter paradise".
He thinked a lot and then said,
" Not so special but ya!, Every night before sleeping I used to clear my heart from any type of jealous, enemy and cruelty and used to say Ya Allah , I have forgiven ur slaves who had done anything wrong with me,
Just for the sake of u- my lord!!!
Just for his single kind act, he was allowed to enter paradise, And even got the bashaarat(the news) in this dunya itself.
Let's start from today and make a promise that before sleeping we will forgive every brothers and sisters for Allah's sake. In sha Allah