A.P.J's powerful words👌.

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Hearing his name(Abdul kalaam's name) what we think,
Surely a good person, a good leader and a great scientist.

But, it took me a long period to understand him and his powerful words.
He is one of the inspiring person for me not because he had done so many things for my nation but also, the main is his SIMPLICITY.

"Peoples work hard to get the padma bhushan,
But he got the padma bhushan for his work"
How much difference exist between this two.

Point of views:

Abdul Kalam said:

1. If a country is to corruption free and become a nation of beautiful minds,
I strongly feel there are 3 key societal members who can make a difference.
They are
    The father
    The mother
     The teacher.

2. You have to dream before your dreams can come true.

3. Failure will never overtake me, if my definition to succeed is strong enough.

4.this is my favourite one,
     Don't take rest after your first victory ,because if you fail in second, more lips are waiting to say that your first victory was just luck.

5. All birds find shelter during a rain. But eagle avoids rain by flying above the clouds.

6. Man needs difficulties in life , because they are necessary to enjoy the success.

               👊👊👊.....to be continued

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