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She'd been young when her father's castle had been invaded-only just over one thousand years. She was still considered a small child, not fully grown. The war with the Others had started only a few years prior, and her father kept her under a strict and safe guard because of it. Her siblings, numbering so many, had been brought down by the others. She was the last of her father's spawn, the youngest that had ever existed. Her father wanted his only heir to remain unknowing of the world around her, he wanted her to become powerful enough to save their kind. She was tutored by the finest, treated like the princess she was. Trained by the best warriors and mages, she became strong, stronger than many others of her kind. Rumors swirled about her mysterious existence, and her reputation thrived off of those vibes. In the many years she was confined to her father's castle, she never knew of the battles raging just beyond her family's domain. The very first glimpse she caught of it was the strange being, one so different to her own people, soaring through the sky. He wielded a hammer and controlled the lightning; struck down any who got in his way. He was formidable, and that scared her. She saw this being up close for the first time when he invaded their home. He broke through the guard, sent the walls crashing down. He cursed her father's name to his face, cursed his spawn, and his kind. She watched, a small figure in the shadows, when that being struck down her father. She'd wanted to leap at him, wanted to wrap her small, slender fingers around his throat. A fueled rage was born that day; the day Thor killed her last remaining family member. 

She left her planet then, with the assistance of two of her kind, the last two that anyone knew of that existed. When Thor killed them, he thought that her kind had been killed off for good. He didn't know of the vengeful princess that was seated upon a ship, headed for another planet. She all but crash-landed there, a young and powerful princess in a land full of enemies. Despite the hatred that had risen between the people of this land and her own, their own ruler saw the potential in her. Her kind had harbored strength that his own had never possessed. He recruited her, turned her into a finely tuned assassin. She fulfilled this job for years upon years, loving the thrill of the kill despite what her moral told her. She learned to live for this job, and became a feared weapon. The last of her kind, she refused to go without a bang. She carried out the work she had been given, but all the while she plotted. She plotted to kill that damned god who had exterminated her people. She scoured the places she visited to gain information on him. It took a long time, but she finally had enough. She went after him, that one night. She set off in a ship, intent on reaching the planet he had settled on. She made it, halfway. The unknown of the foreign solar system the planet was located in hadn't ever been tracked on the ship's radar. She didn't know the large rock was flying towards her vessel, until it was too late. She made it that planet, though through an immense amount of luck. She was knocked unconscious in the fall, knew nothing of her surroundings until she woke up in the cell. When she woke in that cell, her mind was like cobwebs. It frustrated her, at first. There were things she knew she should remember, but they refused to come to her. Eventually, she gave up, and slipped into the routine that stayed with her those nearly one hundred years in the cell. 

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