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She was still a danger, still a poisonous being, but another month spent with her new found allies and friends had payed off. They trusted her, allowed her access to everything she wanted. Her weapons, chosen so long ago in Jotunheim, were restored to her. It had been a relief to possess the few possessions she had to her name on this planet. The swords, Ovellume and Reflexana, belonged in her hands. They were forged by her, and without them she had felt lost. Along with the alien weapons, her various suits had been packed carefully away with them. One was her assassin garb, another her armor. The last was the robes she wore around Jotunheim. Now, the robes were inappropriate for this world. She disregarded them for an outfit much like the one Natasha wore when she was fighting. However, the way Tony had designed it was lighter. The suit was a medium gray, light and flexible. The fabric moved and breathed with her. It was perfect for her movement. Perfect for her mission to kill Loki. She packed, without the other's knowing. She wouldn't tell them of her plans. They would know well enough once she was gone. She could only hope they wouldn't come after her and attempt to stop her. Olielle may have control over her mind, but that wasn't stopping her from continuing her final mission. Once she was disposed of the God of Mischief, she could return to Midgard and resume her position. There would no one that could give her orders as an assassin anymore, that much she was confident it. Thor had informed her of the death of Laufey, at the hands of said God of Mischief himself. It was all ironic, really. The one she had been sent out to exterminate by Laufey had in return killed the king himself. She had been raised by the frost giants, in a sense, yet she was still unable to mourn for the king that had governed her actions so. Perhaps, in a way, killing Laufey had been the only just thing Loki had done in his meager life. 

Her window to leave was approaching quickly. She had her things packed. Olielle began to distance herself, though the others didn't notice. They ignored her, seemed to disregard her existence half of the time. The only one she had grown close with was Bucky. He was the first friendly face in the compound when she had come to senses more than a month ago, and he still was the only friendly face. She had never felt compassion or love before, but what she thought that was what she was feeling with Bucky. He made her laugh, told her of all things he had done before he was the Winter Soldier. He helped her adjust, and taught her Romanian. She would feel guilty that her plan would go unbeknownst to him. The night came, creeping in like a cat. She padded through the dark hallways, hearing the snores of her fellow team members. She stopped at Bucky's door, hesitated before pushing it open. He slept like a rock, she knew that. It was easier to slip into his room, leave the note on his folded pile of clothes, and slip back out. She didn't make a sound, despite. Olielle left the compound a few minutes later. She had secured a ship that could carry her to the place where the bridge met Midgard, then she would call upon Heimdall. She wasn't sure he would respond, but there was every hope he would. The two had met before, on one of her missions. Then, she had been playing a simple Asgardian maiden, attempting to woe him. He had seen through her, off course, but hadn't killed her. Perhaps he would incite the same mercy on her now. She could only hope. She boarded the ship, far from the compound. Her possessions were already on board. She started the craft, using her mind to muffle the noise. It was a wonder no one had woken to her walking through the halls, it would be a shame to spoil her plan now with the engine of the ship. She didn't hear or see the red-headed woman that leaped onto the plane as it left the ground in a swirl of dust. Olielle sense her, however. She stood, waiting for the spider. Natasha entered the cockpit and looked at her team mate.

"You know I can't let you leave right?"

"Yes, but I am still going." 

"That wouldn't be smart. The government would be all over us for losing another one of the team members. You know that."

"I do, but it won't stop me."

"This is going to hurt Bucky. He likes you."

"I know..." Olielle's voice dropped, uncertain. 

Natasha shook her, she was going to have to do this the hard way. Before the red-head could take a step, her mind was switched off. Olielle lifted her, and carried her off the plane. She apologized softly to her friend, then re-entered the craft. The horizon was lightening already, and she needed to move. She set the plane into the flight, and left the facility. It was going to be a long flight to New Mexico, and she didn't have Tony's handy AI to aid her in flying the small ship. She would be at the wheel the entire time. It was tedious, but her plan was in action. She was set towards completing her last mission. Maybe, just maybe, after this mission was completed she could "retire." Live like a Midgardian. Maybe, just maybe, that future could include Bucky. That was, if he didn't hate her for leaving. She just hoped he would see her side of things when she was able to return and explain herself. Truly, she felt something for him she never had before. A sense of friendship, a sense of belonging. It was something she could get used to. Never before, not on Skaxia or after, had she felt this way. Bucky Barnes was something else, and she liked the way he made her feel. 

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