Please, Don't Hurt Me

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I walk into my bathroom, starting my usual routine. As I took my shower, I thought about all the homework that I should have, but didn't do last night. Instead of homework, I went home and slept from five P.M. until this morning. I'm very lazy. I came out of my shower and looked at myself in the mirror. Even after all my sleep, I still have bags under my eyes, which I did my best to cover up with some make-up.

I study the person in the mirror. Hazel eyes, semi-plump lips, pale skin, very long, dark and straight hair. I do this every morning. No matter how much make-up I apply, I never like what I see.

I walk downstairs quietly, not wanting to wake my father. I live here alone with him. My brother, Tommy, also used to live with us, but he died two years ago in a car crash. I miss him so much. We're twins, and he always made me feel better when I was feeling sad and alone. He would always be there with an ice pack when my father got angry and hit me.

"Sandra," I hear the slurred words coming from the kitchen in the voice of my father. "Sandra, is that you?" I can't believe it, seven in the morning and he's already drunk.

"Yes, dad, it's me," I reply, hoping this conversation will be short so I can get to school.

"I want you to go to Vinny's Pizza after school and get me a large meatball sub. I'm broke, so use your own money." He almost fell off his chair as he said this. There are two empty bottles on the counter, and there's one in his hand that he's working on.

"Sure, dad. I'm going to get to school, now. See you later," I say, pretty much running out the door. My dad didn't used to be a drunk. He used to be a really nice guy. I can actually remember him taking me to the park when I was little. It was when my mom left us that he changed. He loved my mom so much, and was crushed when she claimed our family was boring, and ran off with some European guy. Not knowing what to do, my father turned to alcohol. I think it was a little while after he got addicted to alcohol that he started being abusive. He would whack me or Tommy for any little thing that ticked him off, even if it wasn't our faults. Then, Tommy died when I was in eighth grade, and it's been much worse ever since.


I was so tired that I couldn't concentrate on anything during my classes. It passed by in a blur, and, at last, the final bell rang. I open my locker, and something falls to the bottom. I look and find a single rose. Who could've put this here? And why? It's a joke. It has to be. I'm a loser. No one even knows who I am. I bet there's some jerk watching me right now to see my face light up at the thought that someone likes me. I bet they're laughing. As I walk out, I chuck the rose into the garbage.

I walk home, and see my dad waiting for me at the door. Shit, I forgot to get his sub.

"Where's my sub?" I can see about three or four more empty bottles on the counter where the others were this morning.

"I'm sorry, dad. I was distracted with all my schoolwork, and it totally slipped my mind," I say with a hint of pleading in my voice. "Do you want me to go back and get it now?" I can see the anger in his eyes. His drinking gives him a very short temper.

"You stupid child!" He yells as he backhands me across my face. I run upstairs, tears in my eyes. I hear him cursing all the way to the car. The car door slams, and he speeds away. I look at my bloody nose in the mirror as I think about how much I hate my life, and also still a bit curious about that rose.


Ok, so that's chapter one of my first story!

Please tell me what you think. I don't care if you think it's bad, just tell me something! I'd really appreciate it.

I couldn't really think of a title, so I just put the first thing that came to my head. If you have any better suggestions, please let me know.(:

Thanks so much for reading!


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