Please, Don't Hurt Me - 3

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Throughout the rest of the day, I couldn't get Josh out of my head. I don't usually get caught up like this over a boy, but I can't help it. He talked to me. That was the first time a boy has talked to me by choice in a long time. Also, Josh is really attractive. I don't know why I've never seen him before. I guess I don't pay much attention.

What if Josh likes me? What if he was the one who sent me the rose? Is Josh the person who left a rose in my locker? No. It's not possible. There's no way that a hot guy like Josh could like me at all. He probably just said hi to me because some of his friends dared him to, to see how weird I am. I wish that for once a boy would like me.

I wake up the next morning, thankful that it's finally Friday. I take a cold shower to help wake myself up. As I look in the mirror, I realize how skinny I am. I never really noticed it, but I'm extremely thin. I must be thin from worry. Worry for myself. Worry for my life.

I slip into a pair of black pants, and a white v-neck. I'm really tired, so I don't bother to put on any make-up today. I tip toe out into the hallway and downstairs. Unfortunately, our house is very old so the floor creaks. I'm halfway down the stairs as I hear a door opening. I crane my neck and peer down the hall. I see my dad. he walks down the hall and sees me on the stairs.

"Why are you here? Shouldn't you be at school?" My dad is obviously hungover. It doesn't surprise me, considering he hasn't been home since Wednesday night. God only knows where he's been and what he's been doing. He starts down the stairs, making very little movements. He has one hand on his head and looks in pain.

"I was just leaving, Dad," I say. I speak very cautiously to avoid getting him mad.

"Well, make sure you get me a sub on your way home, or else I won't get dinner."

"I don't have any money. If you give me some mon-"

"Why should I give you money? You owe me!" He's yelling, now.

"What do I owe you for?" I'm also yelling. "If anything, you owe me!" After hearing this, I can tell he's very angry. He comes down a few more steps and shoves me. I scream and fall down the stairs. I run out the door and get to school as fast as possible.

I'm late to school because I kept having to stop and rest on the way. I fell pretty hard and I'm in a lot of pain. My arms hurt, along with my back and hips. I should go to class but instead, I walk into the school bathroom, hoping it's empty. Luckily, I'm alone in the white, smelly restroom. I look into the mirror. I do my best to make my face look like I haven't been crying. I see a bruise on each of my arms, the only visible evidence of my fall. I try to mask the bruises with some cover up, but eventually I give up and wash it all off. No one will notice, anyway. I look at the clock on the wall. 8:34. I'm still in geometry right now. I walk through the empty halls to Mrs. Coffin's room.

"Hello, Ms. Greene. Nice of you to come to class today. Do you have the homework," Mrs. Coffin asks, cocking her head to one side. Of course I don't have my homework. Is she stupid enough to not realize that I never do it.

"No, I don't," I say. Can I just take my seat? The class is looking at me. I feel very uncomfortable. Mrs. Coffin sighs.

"Very well. Take your seat and get out your notebook. You've already missed half the lesson." I take a seat in the back corner and pretend i care about catching up with the lesson.

After class, Mrs. Coffin asks me to stay after again. I reluctantly walk up to her desk. I look up at her face and see her brown eyes looking at me through her glasses with a slightly sad face. Mrs. Coffin takes a deep breath.

"Sandra, before I say what I have to say, I'll ask you one more time, is there anything wrong? Anything that would cause you to perform poorly in school? If there's anything you have to say, you can tell me. You can trust me." She looks at me like I'm a sick puppy.

"Mrs. Coffin, I promise there's nothing wrong," I say, doing my best at acting. "I assure you everything's fine. I'm just not that into school."

"If you say so, Sandra. Well, if that's the case, then I'll give you this." She hands me a letter. On the front it says 'Mr. Greene'. "It's a letter to your father. I want him to come into the school for a parent teacher conference with me. Give the note to him and have him sign it. Then, bring it back to me."

"I don't think that'd be possible. He's very busy. I don't think he'd have much time to come to the school and talk to you," I say. It's hard trying to pretend my dad has this big job. He doesn't have a job at all. The only reason we have a lot of money is because his dad died a couple years ago and we got all of his life savings.

"Just give him the paper and have him call me if he can't come in." I can tell Mrs. Coffin really wants to talk to my father.

"Okay. I should get going now." I leave the room and try to think of what I'm going to do about this parent conference.


I walk into the cafeteria and get into line. Today they're serving hamburgers, or more like crap in a bun. I hear someone calling my name. I look over, and see Josh Armstrong sitting alone at a table waving for me to come over. There are two lunch trays in front of him.

"Sandra! Come over here," he calls. I walk over and sit down across from him. What's going on?


Thank you so much for everyone who read, commented, and voted on my first two chapters! Also, thanks to everyone who become a fan!!

Please give me your feedback on this one! I'd really appreciate it!

Thanks for reading.:D


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