Please, Don't Hurt Me - 4

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"Hi, Sandra." Josh says, all smiles. "I got you lunch. I was hoping you'd sit with me today."

"Sure, um, thanks." I say. I look down at the tray in front of me. Spaghetti with meatballs, a piece of garlic bread, and a carton of two percent milk. It looks like slop. Oh well.

"So, what's up?" Josh asks, breaking the awkward silence.

"You know, not much." I say before picking up my fork and putting some spaghetti into my mouth.

"Cool, cool." Josh smiles again. Does he ever stop smiling?

"Yeah." Is this awkward or what?

"Hey, what happened to your arms?" He gestures toward the bruises on each of my arms.

"Oh, nothing, I just fell last night," I lie.

"Are you alright?" I can hear a trace of concern in his voice.

"Yeah, I'm fine." I assure him, shrugging it off as if nothing was wrong. A few moments pass, silent aside from our chewing and the back round sound of teenagers socializing.

"Do you have a cell phone?" He asks suddenly.

"Yeah, why?" I'm so confused. What does he want from me? After swallowing some food, he reaches into his backpack that's leaning against the leg of his chair and pulls out a notebook and a pencil.

"Could I have your number and call you sometime?" He looks hopeful. It's a really cute look on him. He writes something down and rips off a quarter of the page. "Here's mine," he says and slides it across the table to me. I glance at it then slip it into my backpack. I take the notebook from him and write down my number. He smiles. He gets up and I realize that lunch is already over. I get up too as he says, "Okay, so I'll talk to you later."

"Yeah, see you later," I say. I start to walk towards the garbage cans to throw away my lunch.

"Thanks for sitting with me today, Sandra. It was really nice talking to you." All I do is smile. He throws away his lunch and walks toward the opposite direction that I have to go.

Later on, I start walking out the school doors while scrounging through my bag for some money. I find enough for a sub and begin walking in the direction of Vinny's. When I arrive, I see Adriana at the counter. I come here pretty often, so I know most of the workers. Adriana's a nice woman. She's petite, and about twenty five. I'm jealous of her thick, curly hair. It's black and passed her shoulders. It's beautiful.

"Hello, Sandra." Adriana says and smiles. "Getting the usual for your dad?"

"Yes," I reply. She smiles.

"Okay, that'll be six ninety nine." I hand her my money and she places it in the register. She hands me a penny change and the steaming hot, wrapped up sub. "Have a nice day, Sandra."

"Thanks." I walk out and hear the ding of the door. I start walking home. I'm about halfway there when I hear a car come to a screeching stop behind me. I turn around to see my dad in the driver's seat of some car that I've never seen before.

"Sandra! Get your ass in this car right now!" He yells through the open window. I open the passenger door and climb in. "What do you think you're doing?" He screams, even though I'm sitting right next to him.

"What do you mean, Dad? I went to Vinny's and I was just walking home," I say calmly. I show the sub. "See?"

"Yeah, whatever." We get so close to home, but then a cop pulls us over. He walks over to the open window on my dad's side. I read the name tag on his clean uniform. Officer Malden. He looks very clean and no older than thirty. I barely pay attention to the things he asks my dad. I hear words like alcohol and stealing. The officer tell us to get out of the car and I do, but my dad doesn't. He's not going down without a fight. Malden gets into a little fight with my father.

Before I know it, my father and I are in back of Malden's police car. His head is resting on the window. In order to get dad to cooperate, Officer Malden hand to knock my dad out. We pull into a police station where a different officer escorts me to a room. I'm expected to sit there alone while they work out things with my father. After about ten minutes, I get bored. Why should I be here? I have nothing to do with dad's drunk driving or grand theft auto. I get up and walk out into the hall. All the cops are busy with work, so I just leave the building. I know how to get home, so I start walking.

I get home and turn on my cell phone. Three missed calls and one voice mail from Josh.


So this is chapter four! Sorry I took so long!

I don't know why I always end with cliff hangers, haha.(:

Thanks so much for all the comments, votes, and fans!

Please give me your feedback on this one! Hope you like it!:DD


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