Memories That Will Always Be Forgotten

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I now headed back to the Sandlot to meet up with Ansem. He was there, waiting for me. I approached him and he turned to me, smiling. "Answer?"

"I've decided to help." I said with a nod of my head. "So, what are we suppose to do?"

Ansem held out his hand and a portal appeared. "We have to open a door, and only the Keyblade Master can open the door. I didn't you that you were one, but when I realized you were carrying the Oblivion..."

I summoned the Keyblade into my hand and held it out in front of me. "Didn't Roxas have this?"

"Yes. But that doesn't matter right now. What matters is opening that door." He took a step back. "Ladies first."

I rolled my eyes and rested the Keyblade on my shoulder. Then I walked inside the portal.


When I walked out, I was in for a surprise. My eyes went wide as I stared at the large, white door...Also known as Kingdom Hearts....Even though the Organization's moon-shaped heart is also Kingdom Hearts...But that doesn't really matter at the moment. What mattered was what I was standing in front of.

I stared up at it with terror written all over my face. As Ansem stood beside me, i turned to glare. "Ansem! This is Kingdom Hearts! Or, the door to the Dark Realm! If I open this, Heartless will-"

Ansem held up his hand to silence me. "This is where my wife is. She is beyond this door. I just need you to open it, and I'll take care of the rest."

I looked behind me as we stood on just a large circle of land. Everywhere else was Darkness. This place was the final battle in Kingdom Hearts 1...This is where Sora helped Riku close the door....And where he was separated from Kairi.

"Well? Aren't you going to open it?"

I looked up at him. I sighed and stepped forward and I was going to raise my arms to unlock it, but something else caught my attention. I heard a voice yell inside my head, "No! Mysterica don't do it!"

"What are you doing?" Ansem demanded. "Open the door!"

"You can't! Don't open it!"

"Why are you hesitating? Open the door so I can reunite with my wife!"

"Don't listen to his lies!"



I dropped they Keyblade and held my head. "Who are you?" I groaned. "What are you...Doing in my head?"

"Don't open the door!"

I fell to my knees, my head throbbing with pain. It felt like someone was hitting my head like a drum. Pounding...Pounding...Pounding...

"What's wrong? Are you hurt?" I heard Ansem's voice.

"Shut up!" I screamed at him. "Just shut up don't talk!" I rubbed my head, trying to soothe the pain inside...But of course it didn't help.

"Mysterica...It's me...Your friend. Just please, don't open the door."

Ansem stormed over and grabbed the back of my shirt and hauled me to my feet. "Open the door! You owe me for training you!"

I fell back to my knees, feeling weak all of the sudden. I heard Ansem cry out in fear. I lifted my head, seeing what he was being so afraid about...Then I saw him.....He was like a spirit, hovering over Ansem with his two Keyblades in each of his hands. He pointed the Oblivion at Ansem. Ansem covered his face in horror.

Just A Dream...? {Kingdom Hearts} (Finished) (Editing In Process)Where stories live. Discover now