Adventure at the Mall...?

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A few days later, I had almost forgotten about that vision and everything that happened in the past, well, it happened in the past. I was at school, putting stuff in my locker and getting ready for my next class. I was about to go into homeroom, then I heard someone squeal.

"Oh my gosh! The dance is like, tomorrow!"

I turned my head and saw Brianna and her gang looking up at a poster on the wall. Dang...Their suspension was over.

"You should like, totally ask Luke to the dance." Skylar nudged Brianna.

Brianna nodded. "I will! He's like, so cute! And it'll make MystericSNOB jealous." I saw her take a quick glance at me, but she tried her best not to make it too noticeable.

I clenched my teeth. I kicked a locker, informing them that I was standing there, listening to them. They all turned around and stared at me with huge smirks plastered into their stupid faces.

Brianna smirked. "Ah well well well...." She took a step forward.

In an instant I turned my back to her and walked into homeroom. I didn't feel like getting into yet another fight because she wants to be stupid. So instead I went to my next class.

I saw Luke sitting at his desk. I walked over and sat down next to him. "You know the dance is tomorrow." I said.

"I know." Luke sighed. "I would go, but I have no one to go with."

"Brianna is going to ask you."


"She said cause you're cute, and to make me jealous."

Luke chuckled. "Ah well, no." His eyes suddenly got brighter as he leaned closer to me. "Why don't you go to the dance with me?"


"It'll make Brianna jealous!"

I laughed. "Are you serious?"



"Then it's a deal." He stuck out his hand, and we shook on it. "It's formal though."

I groaned. "No way...I have to wear a dress...."

"We'll go shopping for a dress, and a tux at the mall. I'll get my mom to take us." He grinned at me.

"Oh all right." I said. "Let's do it."


"No! I changed my mind! I wanna go back!" I said as Luke dragged me into the crowded, loud, huge, mall.

"Oh come on!" Luke said, grabbing my wrists and pulling me into the doors. "It's not all that bad."

When we entered at least halfway through the entrance, he let me go. I rubbed my wrists since Luke's grip was tight before looking around. "This place...Is really crowded."

Luke sighed. "I know man...Let's just go get us something nice and get on out of here."

Since we weren't in school, we put on more casual clothing. I had a white undershirt on with a black sweatshirt over-top, unzipped. I had dark blue jeans with black converse. Luke, had on a blue t-shirt with a black stripe going across his chest with blue jeans and just black sneakers.

Luke looked all over the place. We didn't feel like looking at a map, so it took us FOREVER just to find a store that sold dresses. We eventually found one. Luke had to drag me in because they were playing Justin Beiber and it was pink and girly.

Just A Dream...? {Kingdom Hearts} (Finished) (Editing In Process)Where stories live. Discover now