Chapter 23

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I walked out of the bathroom and my breath hitched Ryder was in a pair of blue jeans and a black top. I shook it off and walked over to the bed to grab my backpack. When I walked by Ryder he made a rumbling noise in his chest. I smirked and when I was about to grab my backpack he just set it back on the bed.

"You dont need it from what I have planned tonight"

I looked at him funny but shrugged. He put his arm around my waist and led me downstairs. He led me into the garage and opened the door to the Lamborghini. We drove for about twenty minutes until we came to a hiking trail. I smiled to my self and turned to Ryder.

"How did you know I liked hiking?"

"Babe I have my ways"

"Let me guess you asked Colt"

He frowned and sighed "Yeah I have been planning this for a while"

I looked at him shocked but then looked down. He put his hands under my chin and made me look at him.

"Baby whats wrong?"

"My da.. well the man who I thought was my dad used to do the same thing to my mom. I remember the night she came back from one of her dates and I was still awake. I asked her how it went and she just smiled and replied 'Phoe I hope you find a man like I did'. When I was getting older and when I was cheated on I gave up. Then now I am just waiting to wake up and figure out this is a dream and figure out that werewolves arent real, I am not a shifter, the people who I thought were my parents, mates arent real, and most definitely I never met a guy named Ryder he was a figure of imagination"

I kepy getting quieter with each word and I didnt even know I was crying. Ryder pulled me onto his lap and made me look at him. He wiped my tears away and kissed my forehead, cheeks, chin, nose then my lips. It was a small kiss but he put everything into it love, care, lust, and happiness.

"Even a dream cant stop the affection and love that I feel towards you"

"I kind of ruined this date huh"

"No you didnt I found a little bit of your past and I got to kiss you so I think it is going good so far"

I smiled and we both got out of the car. We took it slow on the path till we came to a beach. There was a candle light dinner was set up for two with silver platters. The trees had lights string through them to brighten it up some. He led me over the the table and pulled the chair out for me then went to his side. He lit the candles and took the lids off the platters. We both had spaghetti with a salad on the side. Then he poured us both a glass of lemonade.

"Let me guess you asked Colt what my favorite drink was too"

"No I knew this one by my self everytime we are are at a resturant you order lemonade"

"Why would you observe something so little and remember it?"

"Its just what mates do when my dad and mom went on their first date he memorized everything she ordered drank and still knows it today"

"You dont talk about your parents much and i havent fully introduced myself to them"

"Yeah well we have been busy"

I looked into his eyes and leaned back into my chair.

"You dont want me to meet your parents!"

"Its not that i dont want you to be over whelmed with my mom because she is going to over power you to learn everything about the luna position"

"So now your saying i am not good enough to be Luna"

I saw that he was scared and i just chuckle and smile.

"I was just kidding Ryder I dont mind if you want me to meet your parents or not"

"You really dont mind"

"No I dont as long as we are together I am chill"

I didn't realize my voice was getting quieter because I remembered the phone conversation with Colt. I zoned out only thinking about that conversation. I was snapped out of it from Ryder shaking me.

"Baby are you ok you droned out and it looked like you are about to cry"

"Yeah I am fine"

He looked at me in disbelief but I smiled and stood up. His facial expression changed to curiosity.

"Lets go for a walk on the beach"

He smiled and put his arm around my waist. We walked to the shoreline and took off our shoes.

We walked on the shore for a while when Ryder pointed down the beach and we saw baby Sea Turtles coming out of the sand and into the water. We walked closer and watched them go into the water. One flipped over onto its back so I put it back up and it trudged on. I smiled as the last one went into the water. We walked down the beach a little farther when I stepped on something pointy.


"Whats wrong?"

"I stepped on something sharp"

I crouched down and brushed the sand away from the object. I stepped on a shell I picked it up and smiled. I gasped in surprise when a grab came out and pinched my fingers so I would drop it. It then wobbled into the water. My finger was throbbing and I saw that it cut my knuckle. I giggle and so does Ryder and we decide to head back to the house.

(Mystery guy pov)

I growl in disbelief when Phoenix and Ryder show up. I pull out my phone and call my boss

"Hey alpha apperantly Phoenix forgave Ryder again"

"That wasnt suppose to happen she was suppose to hate him this just made my plan a whole bunch harder"

"Yes sir I realize that but if they are together how are we going to finish the plan"

"We break them apart"

Authors note
Hey guys sorry for the update my internet crashed  a few days ago so its been a pain in the butt writing this chapter. I gave up and put it on paper I got in trouble today for writing it while my teacher was teaching woops. I just copied this chapter from my phone so sorry for the mistakes. A friend of mine is reading this book now  and she predicted that this is probably going to end up like Sexy Greek God kidnappers buts its not I promise there is a big surprise coming a little while in the book. Thanks for all the reads an votes on the story please keep it up. Basketball season is almost over we have the championship game tonight and thats it but then Softball tryouts are tomorrow morning I shall update after that bye!

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