Chapter 3

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The weekend was over ugh it's Monday, and Ryan was really happy to see me, then here comes a new kid he sat beside me and said "Hi my name is Zack" Ryan gave him a dirty look and I told him to calm down. "Hi my name is Tiffany" I replied "Are you new here?" I asked. "Yes I came here from New York". "Well why did you come to Westvirginia" Ryan asked. "My mom got a job here" he answered. Well this is an awkward moment, the bell finally rang so I sat at my desk Ryan sat beside me and Zack took the other side. Ryan was mad to. Does Zack like me!?! It was lunch time and of course Zack sat beside me and Ryan got even more madder than he was before, if only the school year was shorter than it is right now. But maybe Zack just needs a friend, which I completely understand that but why is Ryan so pissed off about this. Then Ryan gets aggravated about me wearing my Justin Bieber shirt like always, does this boy ever shut up? He acts like he "owns me" or something.

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