Chapter 11

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So finally 8th grade year, back in Huntington and the last time I'm moving thank god! So Ryan and I was on and off for the whole year. Well not the whole year but you'll see. We texted and called each other every night, Trinity kept warning me to stop talking to him but of course being the dumbass I am I didn't listen to a word she said, we was on and off till September. And this is where Liam comes into place.. in September, Ryan was on my Instagram account one night and decided to follow his good friend Liam, he accepted it and blocked him after that. Liam didn't do nothing to me so I unblocked him and apologized for that, that same night Ryan broke up with me. Liam and I did date for almost a month but y'know of course Ryan had to ruin that cause of jealousy. That weekend I was going to Bluefield for a day and I decided to visit Ryan. We done the usual, hangout in his grandparents garage, made out and that's about it. He stopped talking to me till November when I was coming to Bluefield for thanksgiving. Keep in mind, Ryan always stops talking to me after I leave his house and always starts talking to me close to when I visit Bluefield. Strange right? Anyways I hung out with him two days in a row. Went to church with him and his aunt the second day and hung out with his uncle. And as always we kinda stopped talking after that too. We started talking but not as much. December comes, and I get a message from Ryan "shocker" we talked and we got back together. When I came in for Christmas I actually spent the night at his house. After I left he didn't talk to me for several days then when New Years came his name pops up on my phone, spent the night with him and after I left he left me for another girl. I cried hard cause I was actually starting to think he changed but I was wrong. After that Liam and I got back together but that's another story I might write about. Not for sure but I promise not all of my stories are gonna be about my failed relationships. Ryan and I was talking during the two months I dated Liam but not I a flirty way. Just as a friend way. Liam and I technically didn't break up but I thought we was cause he got his phone token but again, that's another story I might write. Ryan helped me through the break up and this story isn't about me bashing him in any shape or form. We're now halfway through March about to be the end of the year... again. And nothing has happened and Ryan and I haven't gotten together since he left me for someone else but there still is more. See you in summer!

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