Unseen Silence

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A/N: some of these are depressing and others are really upbeat...It depends on the day I wrote the poetry/lyrics. Either way, I hope these encourage anyone who reads them. If you believe in prayer, I would also ask that you pray for other readers and for me, because depression is something I've been fighting through writing music and poetry.

Breath is shallow, more dead than alive;

People don't notice, or they stroll on by.

No one would understand, if I explained

So I stay quiet, content in the pain.

Why should I speak, if no one would hear me?

Why make a sound if it be to them nothing?

If I did speak it, I know their reply;

Their own ideas, not truly hearing mine.

No one to see me and no one to hear,

No one to know me and no one to fear.

Only the shell I should wear to be seen,

And the voice of this shell is the shell and not me.

Then in the dark the real me returns,

With people to fear and no one to turn.

Where tears flee my eyes, as they've waited all day;

Where nightmares of losses come take me away.

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