Wide Eyes (Just A Child)

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Remember the days when you played outside

Remember the days you looked at the world with wide eyes

Full of wonder, not knowing truth from lies

And wishing time would fly

Now you're older than you were before,

You've seen the truth and you've seen more

Than you ever thought you might when you were

Just a child with wide eyes

Now you watch those children as they play,

Sometimes they might talk and make you remember the days

You were like them, full of innocence, discovering the world

Wishing you could be like the big kids, you heard

Their stories of life in this big world

You were just a child with wide eyes

And you know so much more than they can even imagine,

But you can't tell them just how this world is

Because you hope maybe someday, the world they imagine will come to exist

Remember all those days you and your friends would

Take the time and have ideas that could never come about

But you tried it anyway and you found out

That the world doesn't work the way it should

But you still tried because

You were just a child with wide eyes

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