The News

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The sun was high in the sky, bearing down on the street. Small patches of white cloud inched across the endless blue sky. Trees waved lazily in gardens full of lush green grass, a typical summer’s day. The watch strapped on to my wrist, a present from my dad, read 8.28. I whistled. Time really did fly when you were enjoying your surroundings. It had only been 8.00 when I had left the house and it was only a fifteen minute walk to school normally, but it had taken me nearly twice that. But if I started now and ran all the way from here I could probably just make it to class before registration started. And then there was also the shortcut through the off license that I could take once I got to George Street. It would leave me about ten minutes to spare before I had to enter the school building. I chose the latter. It was a regular shortcut for all the kids in my area but there were rumors spreading about what the druggies and drunks got up to down in that area. But risk and adventure is what I enjoy the most.

‘The flying Pegasus’ was the name of the shop. It was covered in wire mesh and the windows were blacked out with grime and rust. The battered door creaked as I pushed it open. There were crates of beer stacked in the corners and cobwebs dangled from the ceilings. As soon as the door was open a dank, musty smell powered up my nostril. I held my breath and made a frantic dash toward the other side of the shop hoping the cashier wouldn’t notice me. Just as I was leaping through the back door I felt a strong hand clamp down on my shoulders and pull me back. I started to struggle knowing that if the police were involved, all hell would break loose at home.

“Steady on Erik! No need to fight!”

I recognized the voice immediately. It was Mr. Jackson’s.

“W…what are you doing here?”

 Not answering my question, Mr. Jackson pulled out a wooden chair and fell into it with a sigh.

I glanced at my wrist watch and saw how late I was for school. “I’m sorry sir but I‘m kind of late so…” I made to go but Mr. Jackson waved me to a halt.

“It’s all right. Look, it’ll be quick. I just wanted to ask you something. It’s about Danny.” That was enough to gain my attention. Daniel Jackson was my best friend and his son. Mr. Jackson carried on. “He went missing on Thursday night and I haven’t heard from him since. Seeing as you’re his best friend I thought you’d know where he is. I had a hunch you were going to come through here so I was waiting for you. “

I didn’t need to ask why he hadn’t just called home and asked me across the phone as everybody knew that Steven (my step-dad) and Mr. Jackson loathed each other quite a lot and were always avoiding each other. It didn’t help that their children were best friends and I was always being told by Steven not to go near him.                                                                                                                                                                                               

“Did you tell the police about this?” To be honest I was kind of surprised Danny hadn’t already mentioned this. Something must be up.

“Yes, they put him on the missing persons list but I have a feeling he might be in some kind of trouble so I wanted to ask you if you knew anything about it.”

I shook my head. “No, the last time I saw him was after football practice yesterday when he was heading home.”

“Oh, ok. But if you hear from him can you call me. I don’t want anything to happen to him and he’s making a lot of people worry.” He glanced down and muttered quietly “Might have to break a few of his fingers to get him to behave.”

 I looked up sharply, wondering if I’d heard him right but his face was giving nothing away. I blinked and shook my head; it must have been my over-active imagination conjuring up weird stuff.

“Don’t worry sir, I’ll look out for him.” I stood up. “Well I’d better be off then.” I left the shop and checked my watch, and saw that I was already 4 minutes late. No surprise there I thought as I jogged towards the school and also to a boring Friday morning at school.


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