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For a couple of seconds time seemed to stop and freeze everything else with it. I went through a series of feelings in Danny, however didn’t seem to notice at all.

“This basically means both our parents didn’t give birth to us.” He continued  “Our whole lives have been lies. From what I read it seems we were born in a test tube and we were given to CFZ  to be raised up. I don’t know where your dead father fits into all of this but that’s what I’m hoping to find out.”

Still I didn’t move. Then I seemed to get my composure back together and said,

 “Wait a second Danny, stop for a bit.” I looked him in the eye “Do you think I even believe you?”

“Well do you think I’d lie to you about something like this?”

That was true. No matter how much of a geek Danny is, I don’t even think Einstein had that big of an imagination.

 I sighed. “Look, if what you’re saying is true my parents don’t know that I know so I can stay long enough to snoop, see if any of this is true and maybe grab a few useful stuff.”

Whatever was going on I had decided I was going to solve it. With Danny.

“Okay then I’ll meet you back here in two days. 04.30 am sharp. If you’re not here by then I’ll give you ten minutes. Still not here I’ll assume the worst and leave without you. If you do decide to come make sure you grab your passport, ID card and all the cash you can get your hands on without alerting anyone immediately. We’re both turning sixteen this month so if things get out of hand we can lie low for a while abroad.” He sighed deeply and sat down in the far corner, “This is all so crazy Erik. Until Thursday I was a normal kid, now I seem to be some kind of experiment.” He gave a hollow laugh, “Is it coincidence, two best friends being specimen A and C or is there something deeper.” He looked up. “Anyway see you in two days.”


So what do you guys think? I'd really appreciate if you could comment your thoughts. Would help greatly!

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