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Imagine the smell of hundreds of unwashed bodies in an enclosed place, add the noise 400 children make when they are very excited and put in a lot of shoving and punching. What do you get? Benton High at 3.00 and it’s not a very desirable place to be.

As soon as I was outside I took a lungful of clean fresh air and let myself enjoy the smell of grass and trees before I started walking towards the centre. This morning before I left I had convinced my mum to lend me some spare change to grab a bag of chips after school as the only thing ever cooked at home was a three minute microwave meal. It was probably because she thought that her and Steven were the only people living in the house. Seriously, I don’t even think she remembers my name anymore.

 The bustling crowds in the centre were very busy at this time of day and I'd just managed to escape the worst of it when a figure appeared out of nowhere and sent me hurtling towards the ground. I managed to steady myself and spun around, infuriated, to shout at the person but there was no one there.  An apology would have been nice, I thought. That person seriously needed to consider  an appointment with the optician.

The fish and chips shop was mostly full of teens and adults eating and chatting, or the odd old women knitting in the corner. I scanned the shop; there was a space at the front near the counter so I took it.

“1 fish and chips,” I shouted at the cashier.

“That’s 99 pence please.”

As I slipped my hand into my pocket to pull out the money I felt my hand close around a rough peice of paper. Frowning,I pulled it out and read;


Tell no-one, Need help

Come to hideout, 8.00 pm tonight

In trouble, need you    Danny


 Even if the note hadn't been signed, I would never mistake Danny's writing. It was as messy as ever.

 Somehow I felt that I should tell his dad about this, even if Danny had asked me not to, otherwise I know that I would feel guilty about it afterwards. But then I remembered what I thought I heard Mr. Jackson say that morning and grimaced. However annoying Danny could be, I don't think I wanted his fingers broken. I grabbed my chips and walked out the shop. I had no choice. Whatever the problem was, Danny needed my help and I was going to have to give it to him.

Thats it guys. Really sorry for taking so long to post, but I hope it was worth the wait! I think the chapters are a bit too short but i'm working on it. Comment andvote. Thanks!

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