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Jimin woke again the next morning. It was Monday, Monday means school, school means bullies, bullies mean pain.

He sat up and his eyes instantly fell on the doll. The head was facing towards him. Someone moved it? Who did it? Jihyun?

Jimin stood and grabbed a hoodie, skinny jeans with rips on the knees, and a pair of convers. He wished he could wear a hat but that's against school rules. He huffed grabbing his bag and walking down stairs. He found his mother leaned over the counter preparing breakfast. He could smell something good and it made him grin.


The school day was going terrible. Jungkook was sick so he wasn't there which made it easier to bully Jimin. He was pushed against the corner away from any students by two big guys. They smirked seeing Jimin shake. He was terrified. He wished someone could save him, but of course no one would. Who would step in on a fight. That's like asking to be killed!

Jimin's neck was held and he was rising. The taller of the two bullies held Jimin by his neck and picked him up so he was eye level. " hey doll boy," the bully said with a chuckle.

Jimin only squirmed feeling the grip on his neck start to loosen. In a blink of an eyes the boy let go letting Jimin drop on his back against the floor. He rolled over in pain and stood slowly. He sighed not lifting his head, staring at the floor. For some reason he couldn't stop thinking of Yoongi, that doll. It was strange.

He could imagine Yoongi sitting on that shelf. The doll's face began to change. It turned into a face of anger. It was scary. Jimin's heart pounded as he watched the doll move his legs. He walked, like a human?

He was brought out of his thoughts when he felt a hand on his shoulder and pressure that soon followed. He looked to Jungkook in front of him squeezing his shoulder with a worried expression.

" Hyung?" he said in a loud but some how soft tone. Jimin looked at him still wide eyed thinking of the doll.

"Kookie..?" he said blinking then smiling slightly. He finally focused in reality seeing his younger friend stand in front of him. Jungkook returned the smile and hugged him tightly making Jimin wince in pain. He quickly let go apologizing multiple times. Jimin shrugged it off with a smile. He held his neck loosely. Jimin could feel the pain from the touch. He was bruised.

Jungkook led Jimin to the nurse. The nurse gave him some painkillers and asked if he wanted to call home. He refused the call and smiled walking back to class where he met with Jungkook again.

" Did you take them on?" Jimin asked sitting next to Jungkook. He shook his head. 

" no I didn't. They were already gone when I found you?" he was confused. He thought Jimin already knew they left him there.
Jimin looked confused, " I thought you came right after they let me go?" he said remembering what happened and what he thought of. That doll. He remembered that's what came to mind when those bullies let him go. Did Jimin really sit there for around 20 minutes thinking of that procelian doll moving? Did the doll do something?

That's crazy.
Jimin got home to be greeted by his mother at the door and his father sitting in a chair. Neither of them realized the marks on his neck. He waved hello to them both and ran up the stairs. He opened his door and their he was. Sitting on the bed. Perfectly placed. His face was still blank it was still the emotionless face it was last night. But there was something next to him. It was a hat, where did the hat come from? Jimin studied the patterns on the hat. It was the taller bully's hat? Jimin couldn't believe his eyes that doll had to have stopped those bullies.

But that's just crazy to think of.

So no one's read this story yet and its the third part
I guess I suck at writing
I hope someone reads this!

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